Lady Di nunca conoció a sus nietos, pero así la recuerdan los niños cada año | Gente | Maintenance

George, Charlotte and Louis expanded the para su abuela que ha conmovido a muchos.

George, Charlotte and Louis, Houses of Prince Guillermo and Kate Middleton, not known to their father Diana, without embarrassment, la llevan en su corazón y la tienen muy presente.

For the Day of the Mother, which celebrates March 14 in United Kingdom, the little ones elaborate and write some messages. “You want it a lot and think about it all the time”, writes George, while Charlotte notes: ‘Te quiero mucho. Papa te extraña ”. Louis, the minor of the nines, I did not write per pinto on his card and day in his name.

The colored cards were photographed in and shared the official Instagram account of the Cambridge dukes (@kensingtonroyal).

For sale, read a card from Princess Diana with a message sent to her children

The images were accompanied by a message in accordance with the situation in which the coronavirus is currently living in the world. “This year, the Day of the Mother will be different one more time. Many of our estates are separated from ours by our desires, but hoping with years a time in a future not very long in which we will be able to embrace our mother ”.

The text continues: “But for those who are comfortable with a duel, they can be particularly challenging. Every year, the Day of the Mother, George, Charlotte and Louis have records recording their abuela, Diana, for Guillermo. Independently of its members, we are thinking of you, this Day of the Mother. Día 💐 “.

These are the great moments of Lady Diana

Emotional publication to the followers of the couple, who also record Diana with cariño and dejaron posts of admiration for the nines for its details. (E)
