Lady Di. History of Lady Dior, the ball that will number in his honor

Mexico City /

The princess Diana de Gales was converted into a British real estate lease through his matrimony with the principle of Carlos, who divorced in August 1996. Lady Di fue una de las monarcas más queridas por su labor humanitaria, sencillez y cariño que le mostraba al pueblo, pero eso no es todo, pues también se volvió en un icono de moda, cuyos atuendos continuous continuously inspiring to designers and celebrities.

Since its new vestia has its most casual looks, Lady Di is considered a reference to the fashion of the decade of 1980. The accessories and ropa that lucir is converted into trend, tal fue the case of a ball of Dior made specially for Diana de Gales and that more late called number Lady Dior, en eer a la princesa; here we will tell the story behind this design.

Lady Di logró lo que ningún membro de la realeza había conzegido entonces: un bolso que reconcoia su aporte a la moda que que aún sigue siede object de deseo de los stantes del style.

The story follows ‘Lady Dior’, the ball of Diana de Gales

At the end of September 1995, the Princess assisted in the inauguration of a Paul Cezanne exhibition in Paris. During his visit, Bernadette Chirac, who is the first lady of France, le regaló a small ball of mano de kannage in skin, designed by Christian Dior.

This is the sole principle of the relationship between the high costume company and Lady Di which quedó enamorada del bolso. Posteriorly, the princess portrayed in other official visits of the realm, which gave the mayor popularity at the design.

In 1996, the house turned to Lady Di si podían bautizarlo de manera oficial como Lady Dior, and that the princess accepted enchanted. Poco después, the design lies in the boutiques and series all a success.

