Laboratory medicine, key for patient monitoring COVID-19 Sociedades

The laboratory medicine has played an essential paper during the pandemic. Ha sido key to risk assessment and patient monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 , contribuyendo así su manejo. This topic is addressed in the post ‘Abortion of laboratory medicine in the pandemic COVID-19’, in the mark of the 2º National Multidisciplinary COVID-19 National Congress of Scientific Societies in Spain.

Tal y como explica el Dr. Luis García de Guadiana Romualdo, President of the Commission on Biological Biological Relations at the Emergency Medical Center Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine (SEQCML), “laboratory tests, in combination with other clinical data, contribute to the identification of patients with severe risk and have a high risk of progression in more severe forms of disease”.

“It is also used for the establishment of outpatient treatment strategies, thus reducing the assisted living facilities in hospitals and the monitoring of the nursing course”, added Guadiana Romualdo.

In the same sense, Dr. Antonio Buño, Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine, said at the time the clinical laboratory has a key piece in the correct organization of the assistance. “From the diagnosis of the median infection to the detection of viruses in the respiratory tract, there are the necessary tests for the correct, prognostic and helpful correction in the field of therapeutic decisions,” she said.

Ambos experts, together with the Dr. Daniel Morell García, Member of the Basque Laboratory Medicine Committee in the Evidence of SEQCML, participates in the monthly organization of dicha Sociedad en el congreso, which is taking place from 12 to 16 April.

Laboratory Medicine Initiatives

El BIOCOVID register is an example of the work and implication of Spain’s laboratory professionals during the pandemic.

How to expose the Dr. Morell García, this register is an initiative of the professionals of our country’s laboratory medicine. Surgió with the idea of ​​”identifying numbers of the laboratory samples that are included from the principle of the pandemic in the analytical profiles of these patients are actually useful for identifying precautionary measures for the patients of major risk”.

In addition, if an objective second is planted, transmit to the physicians the importance of knowing the analytical methods used for the testing of these probes. The variability that can occur in the function of the assay that is used to mediate a determined analytical parameter is a factor to keep in mind.

El estudio BIOCOVID has the most important results for the manejo del COVID-19. As such, it has been described as useful four-dimensional parameters of the laboratories (creatinine, troponin, protein C reactive and retrieval of plaques) to establish the prognosis of COVID-19 patients.

Asimismo, a sub-study has allowed to demonstrate the potential interests of the use of stratified court points for sex for the tropics with the end of increasing the detection capacity of the myocardial donor associated with a prognostic peer.

In addition, an ultimate objective is to obtain a median technical classification of Machine learning, combining laboratory tests and other changes, in order to establish the prognosis of the COVID-19 patient included in the Emergency Services.

New marketers for patient prognosis COVID-19

Numerous studios are trying to find new biomarkers useful for estimating the risk of infected patients with SARS-CoV-2. Initial dates of the second year have been demonstrated by some marketers who have tried their hand at the first one, as well as the interval of the interval 6 (IL-6), did not show the same mode in the second. “Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly,” he said. García de Guadiana.

In this sense, “marketers like MR-proADM or suPAR, related to the endothelial day, phenomena observed in these patients, can be used to establish the prognosis of these patients. “Including his medication is recommended in a recent document from the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine and Emergencies (SEMES), although probably the initial dates required will be confirmed in more amplified cohorts”, added.

“In addition, the laboratory medicine must be able to treat herramines that allow the evolution of COVID-19 patients to be improved during the agitation phase,” says this expert. In this line, marketers such as KL-6 (Krebs von den Lugen), with a pronounced conoric value in interstitial pulmonary disease, can be used in the detection of pulmonary fibrosis as possible sequelae of disease.

Laboratory Service at IFEMA Hospital

Cabe distracts the organization and adaptation in record time and with huge difficulties of the clinical laboratory professionals to cover in the “camp hospitals” that he had originated during the sanitary crisis.

This is the case of IFEMA Hospital, created as an emergency provision to improve an emergency situation in the first place affected by the Community of Madrid in the third week of March 2020.

In time, it was possible to put the COVID-19 IFEMA Hospital on the market, with 1,300 beds. To cover the needs of the laboratory tests and in emergencies with the habit that has everything organized, opt in situ to have an infrastructure that allows to organize the samples, receive the petitions and send to the laboratory of the University Hospital La Paz.

It organizes a transport of agile and secure masters. It is possible to guarantee an inferior time of response to the hours of solicitation programmed and less of a time in the event of an urgent emergency. Asimismo, new multi-parameter gas analyzers will be installed, which determinations will be made as care test connected to the POCT red hospital La Paz.

During the entire period in which the COVID-19 IFEMA Hospital was established, a total of 4,933 analyzes were performed on 1,985 patients with a total of 88,022 samples in addition to 1,151 POCT gasometers.

Case of Emergency and Pandemic Nursing Hospital Isabel Zendal

“There are many comparisons with the model of the organization of Hospital de emergencias y pandemias enfermera Isabel Zendal, which has attended more than 4,000 patients, with the IFEMA camp hospital, although also ten different differences”, explains Dr. . Good.

“In respect of the laboratory, the model of organization is the same. It is hoped that the samples will be extracted during a pre-analysis area and prepared to be sent to La Paz Hospital laboratories. Mediante programs are transported, analyzed and the results are integrated in the hospital information systems. In addition, we have gasometry analyzers connected to the POCT hospital’s hospital Paz from where they monitor and can implement the related quality assurance procedures, ”added Dr. Good.

There are examples of hospitals that support the rest of the health centers of the Community of Madrid in different scenarios of this pandemic. “In both cases, the laboratory has been in charge of organizing and adapting rapid forms to cover the needs of patients,” said the vice-president of the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine.

Laboratory medicine has had a major impact on the COVID-19 pandemic. He stated that “important issues will be addressed in order to readjust circuits, protocols and plans, assisting in addition to the debt owed to our partners.” Review laboratory safety procedures and, in some cases, learn to utilize specific individual protection teams. “Increase training in this new nosological entity, help interpret laboratory test results and amplify laboratory areas to service existing demand”, concludes Dr. Good.
