La violencia armada golpea Estados Unidos | International

A new tiroteo, with also failures, killed the juveniles at night in an Indianapolis (Indiana) alley, has engraved the last list of food with arms of the last week in United States, a country of 330 million inhabitants and casi 400 million arms in private hands. The deadliest days are the 10th of March in a Colorado supermarket or the 24th of October in one of Atlanta’s beauty salons, one of these days. These episodes also lie, in addition, in full condemnation of the recent bankruptcies in full arrest by the police and show the lack of a powerful nation that has advanced in the evacuation to all training and enjoy an economical, painful, perishable reaction. appears unable to control this hemorrhage. Las armas se cobraron en 2020, en plena pandemia, casi 20.000 vidas, sin contar suicidios.

The week begins with the death of a student abducted by police at a Knoxville Institute in the State of Tennessee. The young man, who was armed, met in the building yards of the center and, when the police took the aboard, opened his office and hired one of the agents. A few hours ago, the Brooklyn Center police, a suburb of Minneapolis, explained that one of its police officers had a detainee who intended to arrest the detainee because he was stabbed with the paralysis gun. The cold calming ambience in a city that is living these days is precisely the transcendent juiciness of police Derek Chauvin, on the death of African-American George Floyd in a brutal arrest.

The Chicago authorities, meanwhile, are preparing for the protests on the spot, then establish the point of publishing the video of the death of a 13-year-old boy, Adam Toledo, in a police persecution. If you play these games at night. When the time comes, the food service company FedEx near Indianapolis Airport will take care of the food service. Poco then the author of the disappearances, an example of 19 years, committed suicide. The mother of the young man, Brandon Scott Hole, has announced security forces a year from now that he intends to launch a “median police suicide”.

More than a hundred people protested the violence against the sarcastic. In video, Steven Carillo is a member of the “boogaloo” anti-government group.PHOTO: AP | VIDEO: EPV

Record of failure rates

This fue, in summary, is one more week in the life of the United States. The radical altercation of the daily life that accompanies the pandemic generates the sensation that both habían menguado los tiroteos. The figures that recapture the Archives of the Violence Armada, without embarrassment, reflect that 2020 was the year with more deaths in the space of two decades, with 19,380 bankruptcies, in addition to the number of 24,000 who committed suicide.

Because, there is a son of the massacres that are committed to the world — the 20 children assigned to the Sandy Hook School in 2012, 58 people from a Las Vegas concert in 2017, 17 from a Florida institute in 2018 … – the armed violence of violence that suffers United States is diarrhea and is especially prevalent in the minors and unfavorable barriers. With FedEx, there are more than 15,000 incidents in the year ahead.

“This is an epidemic, due to the love of God, and has nothing to do with it,” the president, Joe Biden, claimed on April 8, when he announced an executive order to restrict access to the rifles and pistols. If limited means are needed — more control over the sale of kits to be made in the arms case without the registration number and the impulse to have a plan in order to be able to prohibit the purchase of persons in crisis situations — there are some means of calado requires legislative changes in Congress that are choked against the Republican Front Wall. The initiatives for major legislative reforms are being paralyzed.

The Armed Forces is a political and cultural battle in the United States. The right to pose is a sacrosanct principle, consecrated in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but the debate surges in the interpretation of this idea, in which case it is possible that a chic if it is not allowed to consume alcohol for 18 years can , in exchange, buy a semi-automatic. For this reason, one of these issues agitates the debate over arms control controls, increasing exponential sales, as a precautionary measure against the possibility that Republicans and Democrats pact to reclaim the limits.

The balls celebrate the victories, tributes and demonstrations. Asi ocurre siempre. These ten cities are located in Minneapolis, Chicago and Indianapolis. It was transferred to the next dance floor.
