“La vida me puso el reto de ser padre y madre”

| 02/27/2021 – 11:16 AM (GMT-4)

Descemer Bueno can not spare the big organ and love that is by his wife, quienes indisputably forman a part onontbeerlik y fundamental de su vida.

Muy pocas son las veces que el popular cantante y compositor cubano comparat en las sociales redes imagenes de momento a sus dos retoños, pero cuando lo hace aprovecha para exprese ante sus seguidores algunos mas sus profundos hacia ellos.

Justo is the one who sued in the last post he shared the interpretation of Patria y Vida to his Facebook profile, in which he hijacks himself into the total protagonists of the post. Descemer Bueno shared a beautiful photo of what appeared to be my very side along with both and accompanied by the instantaneous of some beautiful words with which he robbed the crowds of his fans.

“They are my life I love and I hope. Life gives me the right to be father and mother. They are the path of obligatory atering that I live when regressing my battles”, said the music exciter responsible as Bailando, Submit the radio o Tus luces sobre mi.

“Nothing compares to the love of the hijos, usted is a good composer and also enjoys its double condition of father and mother”, “Así es, un gran reto, pero un un hermosa recompensa: el amor de tus hijos, bendiciones para todos “,” Lindas palabras de un padre muy tierno y amoroso con sus hijos. Dios siempre los cuide y recompense tu vida con villa salud y écitos “,” Bellos tus hijos “o” Ser padre y madre es agotador en ocasiones, pero the reward is eternal with his love “, he commented on the admirers of the song in the publication through his emotive publication.

On more than one occasion, Descemer Bueno has published publicly about his paternity and the role of father and mother that he has to adopt some years ago he was debated and the mother of the children is not found in full capacity for his total care.

The last time you were in the interview that the song is related to CiberCuba Have a few weeks to go before you can talk about the social impact that has left you with the song Patria y Vida while working with the Cuban singers Yotuel Romero, Gente de Zona, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, he treated some personal themes like his hives.

Without embarrassment, his approach to professional compromises has not impeded that the artist unfolds his double paper to perfection and that his little ones receive the cariño and the attention needed to create a love-filled entourage.

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