La vacuna de Pfizer reduces the cases automatically and by 94%, which is 1.2 million of Israel | Sociedad

Preparation of the Pfizer vaccine at an Ashdod Medical Center (Israel), January 7th.
Preparation of the Pfizer vaccine at an Ashdod Medical Center (Israel), January 7th.Tsafrir Abayov / AP

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against covid-19 is reduced by 94% in coronavirus synthetic cases. The large-scale clinical trial that is being carried out in Israel by means of accelerating the immunization of its 9.2 million inhabitants (27% of the males have received the doses) is expected to result in results. A study of the institute of investigation of the medical facility Clalit, the mayor of the Israeli health care system, about 1.2 million of its affiliates found the efficiency of the registered protection between the 600,000 immunized and comparison with the other met the vacancy of the group of control.

In the absence of a definitive revision by experts, this investigation is presented as one of the most extensive of the ones that are worth noting. Harvard University participates in the validation of preliminary results, confirming by first time the vaccine efficacy at 92% to prevent more severe cases of coronavirus contagion, and during which clinical trials will not date validate statistical significance to register very few graft cells. Siete días despu de la inoculacion de la segunda dose, la vacuna de Pfizer revel una efectividad de entre 91% y el 99%, según el studio published de domingo por Clalit.

The investigation was carried out in two groups: one of 170,000 people aged 60 and 60, and another 430,000 individuals with deaths between 16 and 59 years old. The first study was also conducted to clarify the effectiveness of the vacancy to protect the mayors of 70 years. The tests carried out by Pfizer before the sanitary authorities will be free to carry out any concluding proceedings, in which individual individuals of that age participate.

The director of the Mutual Research Institute, the medical specialist in public health Ran Balicer, explains diary Haaretz The study states that “we will retrieve the network with new media and control methodologies to differentiate between the vacancies and non-vacancies groups, as well as the exchanges that will take place during the confinement period (tax in Israel from 26 December to February 7) ”.

Between collective teams, a parallel comparison is established between people who coincide with various criteria, such as age, historical medicine, residence and serious risk of infection. If a large one of them were evacuated from the study, he would be part of the immunization sector and would add a new affiliate to the control group. “Now it has been unequivocally clear that Pfizer’s vacancy is extremely effective in real life a week after the second dose inoculation, which is in agreement with the clinical trials,” concluded the director of the Clalit Institute, the organization’s collaborator. World Health Fund (OMS). Its efficiency appears to increase including in the posterior weeks.

When the evacuation campaign is available to complete this week in the months since its launch in Israel, the Weizmann Science Institute also confirms a reduction in the number of hospitalizations for serious cases of covid-19. The reduction in the number of cases in intensive care units is observed in particular between the mayors of 60 years, 90% of the cases he has been vaccinated, according to Reuters, although it is increasing between the minorities, who will receive a week later the inoculation.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has called for an exit from the immunization campaign in the March 23 legislation, ensuring that three new cases of coronavirus contagion occur within 39 years. Israel vacated almost 3.9 million of its citizens, of which 2.5 million received the second dose.

“Cauteloso optimismo”

The Estado Judi’s sanitation system also has 100,000 doses of the Modern vaccine and hopes to receive them from other laboratories, but only now has Pfizer inoculated. The national coordinator for the pandemic, Nachman Ash, has expressed a “cautious optimism” about the reduction in the number of infection cases, which he took in the midst of a peak in January of more than 7,000 new cases and a percentage of positivity in the probable PCR at 8%.

The Israeli government has been able to incentivize the vacancies among the most young people in the population, who have been forced to relinquish their immunization, with the aim of overhauling the list of 5.5 million vacancies and approaching the number of people in need of water. which contains the so-called “green passport”, the certificate of vacancy certified by the Ministry of Health with a digital code, which can be accessed in shopping centers, gyms, swimming pools, museums, cultural auditoriums, stadiums and police stations, between other places, as well as nearby (without restaurant service) in hotels predictably from the next day 23, according to the Channel 12 television channel.

Netanyahu will introduce, ahead of the Hebrew press, a legal reform to authorize local authorities to introduce inoculations, for example to prioritize social assistance concessions and access to public services and immunizations. All these medics, which can affect the constitutional right to intimacy, have rejected the first controversies in Israel.
