‘La tía Licha’ is broadcast on Television

Have a few days to find out which one of the actresses most wanted by the public, María Fernando García, quien da vida a la inigualable ‘Tía Licha in the series ‘A family of 10’, received an interesting offer to form part of the Ajusco TV.

And there is agreement with information published by the periodical Alex Kaffie , María Fernanda invited to the production of Surviving Mexico, to belong to the reality show of Survivor that immediately announces its second season.

This invitation, means that the guapa actress tends to die in Television and unite in the branches of competence; without embarrassment everything seems to indicate that this is not happening.

María Fernanda García gets on TV

Ve: Integrante of A Diez Family Could Read Survivor

Pues en su columna ‘Lisonja probe‘, propie Kaffie reveló que García ya tomó su decisión y prefirió decline invitation of Azteca.

According to the concoction ‘Villano de los spektáculos’, María Fernanda gave this information; it becomes clear that although it is interested in the interest it prefers to follow in the series that has been held by it and to end it in the ‘Suaños de sueños’: “Receive a direct message from her, on Instagram, in which I wish I hadn’t seen it on Televisa:” “I prefer to follow in ‘Una Familia de Diez'”. rato “, wrote the periodical.

Series A family of 10

Also: ¡De 10! La Tía Licha de Una Familia de 10 impacta con infarto
