LA sheriff’s office to attend parole hearings after indignation over Manson’s ‘family’ case

The Los Angeles County Sheriff said Wednesday that he will authorize staff members to stand with family members of victims at parole hearings to fill a void created by a new policy introduced by the county’s newly elected district attorney.

The announcement was made three days after NBC News reported that victims’ relatives were furious over District Attorney George Gascon’s decision not to oppose the parole of Charles Manson’s follower and convicted murderer Bruce Davis.

It was part of a policy shift in which Los Angeles County prosecutors will no longer attend parole hearings and will not oppose the parole for any inmate who has already served their mandatory minimum sentence.

Charles Manson’s successor, Bruce Davis, leaves court after a trial in Los Angeles on December 22, 1970.Harold Filan / AP File

In a letter to Gascon, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he “strongly believes (s) ‘that the authorization of staff members to attend the parole hearings’ is the right thing to do’.

‘As you know, leaders will sometimes agree not to agree; however, we must constantly work together to enable the best public safety possible and to strive for the rights of victims. ”

Villanueva is referring to Manson cases to explain why he does not agree with Gascon’s new policy and will now allow members of his office to attend, where appropriate, virtual or personal parole board hearings.

“If I have a complete rule that says we are not going to anyone, I think it will not be positive at all for the interests of victims,” ​​he said in a Facebook Live address.

“The DA has chosen not to appear in this, and it is his privilege for his agency,” Villanueva added. “However, we are not going to abandon victims of crime. We are going to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and all the help they need in this process, we will be there to represent them. ”

Alex Bastian, a special adviser to Gascon, said the district attorney instructed the victim’s attorneys to provide support during the trial.

“They are available to attend any trial where the victims want it,” Bastian said.

“Sheriffs’ deputies, like prosecutors, do not have all the relevant facts and evaluations at their disposal. The Parole Board does have them – and its sole purpose is to objectively determine whether someone is fit for release.”

Manson, a cult leader in California who died in prison in 2016, orchestrated a series of gruesome murders in August 1969. The killings were carried out by his followers, members of the so-called Manson family.

After a virtual hearing on Jan. 22, the parole board recommended parole for Davis, who was sentenced to life in prison for the murders of Gary Hinman and Donald “Shorty” Shea.

California Gavin Newsom is expected to deny Davis’ early release.

Hinman’s cousin, Kay Martley, had earlier told NBC News that she felt abandoned by prosecutors. “I had no one to talk to me,” she said.

Reached Wednesday, Martley said she was pleased with the sheriff’s move in support of victims and said it showed ‘someone paid attention and gave us money’.

“He knows it’s going to make his job a lot harder if they’re going to let these people out without the prosecutors having to challenge it,” she said.
