La Secretaría de Comercio multó a medpresas med medica prepaga y servidios de salud – Télam

Defensa del Consumidor has many benefits and benefits from health services.

Defensa del Consumidor mult aprepagas y empreas de servicios de salud.

La Secretara de Comercio Domestic Sanctions a total amount of $ 7.7 million an empresas de medicine prepaga and health services for compliments in the publication of the contracts and the failure of the installation of the bottom of the site in its web sites.

The National Consumer Defense and Arbitration Directive on Consumption that companies Galeno Argentina SA, Medicina Prepaga Hominis SA, y CEMIC infringieron article 38 of the Ley 24,240 de Defensa del Consumidor that obliges the companies that perform services to publish in their sites the contract model to subscribe.

In these cases, the multiple vehicles of $ 750,000, $ 600,000 and $ 700,000, respectively, lie the card in the tracks of a communicator in.

Among the reasons for sanction, the official dispositions that these contracts “suelen are celebrated by adherence to predisposition clauses where the relationship is established between the contractors are asymmetric, because the terms of the relationship are established unilaterally by the , it tends to take into account that in the context of public and notorious knowledge that obtains the step, the access to the contracts and travs of the web site (…) is a herramienta onontbeerlik for the health of the people ”.

On the other hand, also fueron sancionadas las empresas Aca Salud, Bristol Medicina, Apres, CEMIC, Grupo Premedic, Prevencin Salud, Crculo Mdico de Esteban Echeverra, Corporacin Asistencial, Crculo Mdico de Lomas de Zamora en Medicina Prepaga Hominis to include Resolution n316 / 18 of the Commercial Secretary establishing the Deben Activity Determinants Include in its web site a link for consumers to access the service bay, which is a simple view and easy access.

In this case, the multi-oscillation between $ 450,000 and $ 750,000 per company.

Consumers can communicate on 0800 666 1518; write to [email protected] or on Twitter @DNDConsumidor. We will also include its advertisements for compliments on the Consumer Web site.
