La Roz Roja denounces hospitals for rescuing a man in a cold situation with COVID-19 in Oaxaca

A man fired by hospitals (Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)
A man fired by hospitals (Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)

La Cruz Roja denunció how different hospital rehusaron to wait for a man in situation of who has coronavirus tenia.

Agreed to diary La jornada, all commenced by a llamado de citizens who are advised to have a person unconscious in public life, because paramedics were sent to the scene. Ahi attendieron al hombre y lo llevaron a las installation de la organization, en donde se le curaron las heridas y también se de diagnost dehhydratacion e inanición.

Aunado a esto, según los Security protocols who lived during the pandemic, had to make one COVID-19 detection speed test. It brings a positive result, and as la Roz Roja no account with material to treat al hombre de 52 jaar, se buscaron alternatives of hospitals reconstructed to treat patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In the first instance the decision is transferred to Hospital Comunitario de Santa María Huatulco. Pero al llegar ahí, los trabadadores de este se negaron a reciblo, mientras que el encarcedo de nosocomio les advirtió el patiente no podium entrar.

The male star hoping for hours is waiting (Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)
The male star hoping for hours is waiting (Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)

After several hours of desperation, paramedics were intimidated by the security staff of our company. In order to withdraw, we will arrange with the police officer for the retirees. While this is happening, Santa Maria support staff will make sure that you manage to get there.

After the incident, the paramedics left with the man haci el Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) of Santa Cruz. Here is a retrieved message, it is in the pretext that no pregnancy signal will be presented and that a hospitalization will take place.

For his part, Liane Factor Leporowski, president of the Cruz Roja Huatulco delegation, explained that he would be a man in a position to deal with the active virus, could be a risk of contagion, which is why Islam is the most effective option . Because of this, she offered a camel to the man.

Faktor Leporowski, explained that the staff of the Red Cross are obliged to have a space with the small resources that ten. At the organization of the organization, an area will be set up where the patient will now be treated and with medical attention. Geen hindernis, la presidenta enfatizó que does not have sufficient materials for these cases, so it is hoped to be referred to a specialized area.

Al 10 de febrero hay 169,760 dismantles a level national (Photo: EFE / EPA / MARIO CRUZ)
Al 10 de febrero hay 169,760 dismantles a level national (Photo: EFE / EPA / MARIO CRUZ)

By the way, at the state level level, Oaxaca has a total of 37,026 people infected with the new coronavirus since the first positive, following the last official dates corresponding to February 10th. In total, there were 2,669 deaths in the region as a consequence of the onset of the pandemic and no new deaths have been reported in these schools.

COVID-19 a levels national

José Luis Alomía Zegarra, Director-General of the Epidemiology of the Secretariat of Health (SSa), informs that for this purpose is the sum 169 760 missing confirmed in Mexico by coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, there were 1,328 deaths at the national level.

The City of Mexico and the State of Mexico are the entities with mayor number of estimated active cases. The national level calculates 67,536 contagios of this type. Además, has more than 2,000 suspects that can be summed up in total in the next hours. We also account for 1,519,527 recovered patients. For another store, register 84 592 persons with complete evacuation schedule (Pfizer-BioNTech antigen dose application).


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