La Reina del Flow: Carolina Ramírez forgets a sus fans with mensaje de amor propio | Netflix Series nnda nnlt | FAMA

‘La reina del flow’, the emmy winner of the Emmy International series, has always been a global phenomenon during its early days. Protagonized by Carolina Ramírez and Carlos Torres for Caracol Television, Colombian fiction transcends television and jumps to streaming platforms like Netflix, giving it to a larger audience. Además, is a furor in social speeches and musical descargas.

MORE INFORMATION: “Las Villamizar”, the new telenovela by María José Vargas of ‘La reina del flow’

It’s because the fans hope for years the star of the second season of ‘La reina del flow’, which promises to attract Colombian dignitaries this 2021 with great surprises. The double explosive, Yeimy Montoya (Carolina Ramírez) and Charly Flow (Carlos Torres), vuelve a enfrentarse en una historia de amor y odio donde se disputarán el throne del Flow.

By 2020, the grabs of the second temporary period of “The Queen of the Flow”. Sondeverbod, suspended suspense during various months due to coronavirus pandemic. The work was resumed in October and it is hoped that it will be extended by March 2121, if no new COVID-19 reboot affects production.

The second episode of
The second episode of “La reina del flow” will feature 80 chapters, protagonized one more time by Carolina Ramírez, Carlos Torres and Andrés Sandoval. (Photo: Caracol TV)

MORE INFORMATION: “La reina del Flow”: Sebastián Martínez,’s another actor who cases himself on Charly Flow’s paper

While the fanatics hope the new capitals of the exit production, ‘La reina del flow’ has issued some advances on what we will see in the second round, where Yeimy Montoya will find another one in his pass – “Charly Flow” – in addition to new problems that will seriously cause him to follow.

Carolina Ramírez y Carlos Torres regresan to capture this potent story, the Colombian actors have prepared and coined the best of them in each stage to give to the public a quality product like the demonstrator in the first season of ‘La reina del flow’.

The principles of this year 2021, Carolina Ramírez posted a photo of the new look that you will use Yeimy Montoya in the second season. It was stated at the time that the pandemic would not affect the grabs that are scheduled to take place this year.

“I’m also happy to be able to present it to Yeimy from this time. Just cross out the ones for this new age of covid not for us to grab the last of the months that fell … For this: Be careful to keep the life going! ”, Comments on actresses on their Instagram account.

Grabaciones de la segunda temporada de
Grabaciones de la segunda temporada de “La reina del flow”, que contará con 80 capitulos, empezaron en enro de 2020. (Foto: Carolina Ramírez / Instagram)

This is not the first time that a publication of Carolina Ramírez has caused furor among the fanatics of ‘La reina del flow’. The Colombian actress knows that her character requires a lot of production before going on stage. Between makeup, paints and accessories Yeimy Montoya.

Prohibition of probes, Carolina Ramírez has shown favor with the natural beauty of each person. Here is the demonstration previously, followed by an Instagram post, where he shared with his followers a photo of her natural, accompanied by a large message of amor propio.

“Antes de empezar el día de rodaje. Everything that comes with makeup and hair extensions and accessories. That’s it! J y esto es lo que tenemos que amar. It’s good and bad, ”Ramírez said in October 2020.

“Chicas, chicos y chiques. Love in the comfort of your own home, disfruten it for you, not for the people. Disfruten andar en crocos, con medias si se les canta !! ”, Wrote the actress.

Mentioning everything perfectly imperfect that we have as human beings, Ramirez invites each one to “reaffirm in the knowledge that the universe is perfect and that there is the conjunction of atomic infinites perfectly placed to be his”.

The fanatics do not hesitate to respond to the message, which went viral on the popular social network. Fueron miles of comments that show his support and appreciation to Carolina Ramírez for the type of “alentadoras” and “magnificence” phrases that should be more normal.

Carolina Ramírez posted a photo of herself with a potent love message.  (Photo: Carolina Ramírez / Instagram)
Carolina Ramírez posted a photo of herself with a potent love message. (Photo: Carolina Ramírez / Instagram)
