La Liga Nacional se reunirá para reprogramar el Comunicaciones vs Antigua –

Newly changed cambios in the calendar of the champion guatemalteco.

The Executive Committee of the National League convened the representatives of the 12 clubs to a virtual meeting, which will take place on Monday 4 January at 15:00.

The main theme ‘n treaty is the reprogramming of the party of Communications against Antigua GFC, corresponding to the gap of the final quarters.

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Preliminary form states that the shock will be disputed on January 17, while juvenile defendants will be charged with 10 consecutive days.

With this change, the Torneo Aperture 2020 will be a new attraction in its finalization.

This is where the 23rd and 26th of January, the Guatemala Selection will take place in Puerto Rico in two matches.

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The communiqués y antigua tenian programmed enfrentarse hoy, pero aguacateros reportaron 9 positos cases of Covid-19 ya consensueness de esto, elarea de salud de Sacatepéquez mando a todo el club a quarentena de 10 días.

Comment this note and talk to his friends.
