“La gente n tiene qué comer”: ollas comunes florecen en la cuarentena en Perú

“We are in a food crisis, which the governor does not want to declare”, dice at the AFP Fortunata Palomino cooks food in a handful of chicken salsa with arrows and dads for 45 families in a poor barrier in Lima.

People have nothing to worry about. There are some that are currently in use. In all the zones of the periphery [de Lima]”The pandemic has hit us hard”, I agree that this should be done in conjunction with other voluntary actions 170 deaths for the people of Villa Torre Blanca.

This barrier of precarious housing tables on the earth is in Carabayllo, on the northern outskirts of Lima, where many women like graces in the old towns.

The same success in other barriers since entering into force the domination of a quarantine in 10 regions of Peru, including capital, destined to contain the second oil of the covid-19 pandemic, which will be phased out in December.

“All municipalities are organized as a food aid, because a gente durante la pandemia y el confinamiento se le terminaron los ahorros“, Indica Palomino.

Media docena de cocinan mujeres toda la mañana para los vecinos que sin ingresos con el confinamiento, en un pais muy golpeado por la pandemia donde el 70% de los emplaos son informales.

“My job is working, I’re now not working and only we support each other, and we need it because, you see, we are in a zone of extreme poverty”, Doubles Patricia de la Cruz, 37 years old.

It is the second quarantine that supports the limes. The first, more than 100 days (between March and June 2020) caused hiccups between family miles and led to the number of business and business numbers.

“Read a moment with the quarantine that does not work, does not have to agarrar [dinero], no hay from the thunder, es difícil “, said to AFP Flor Mautino, 30 years old, who like other acute diarrhea patients to pick up, in some cases, the comedy for his family.

Families that can pagan a sun (27 cents per dollar) per race, dinero that help to sustain this community initiative in the Villa. Those who can not, withdraw the committee free of charge.

“Yo lo quisiera es que nos apoyen con víveres. Nos falta lo que es carnes, para así poder apoyar a la gente”, dice la volunteerearia Elizabeth Huacchillo, de 39 años.

Peru has high levels of poverty since decades ago, and the problem has been exacerbated for several years. Fifty million people will be poor in 2020, according to official statistics, so there are now 33 million Peruvians living in poverty.

The Peruvian economy is in recession and the authorities estimate that GDP will rise by 12.5% ​​by 2020.

“Hay 1,300 in Lima”

There are no Peruvian numbers of food in all the communes, but the governor and the Catholic Church admit that the situation is difficult and he promises to help all the communes.

“In Lima he registered 1,300 communes, which feed 130,000 families”, Palomino Dice.

This 56-year-old ambulatory now is dedicated to cooking for free for its children and leads a “community of all”.

These initiatives do not exist alone in Lima, Sino También and Huánuco, in central selva; of Chiclayo, en la costa norte; y Huancayo, en la sierra andina.

“It’s a great help for the people we live in is a place of much need”, dice to AFP Flor Mautino 30 years, while having a file to receive food.

“I am supported by all the communes because the foods are charismatic and can not work to prevent contact”, said Patricia de la Cruz, mother of six, 37 years old, who drove a motorbike.

The Municipality of Lima, with its collection of women ‘Manos a la Olla’, is also looking to help with food in the communes.

In Chosica, in this capital, the Church launched the solidarity campaign “Apadrina una familia” to support these initiatives in this second year.

Peru registers 1,158,337 covid-19 and 41,538 deaths, including official balance.

“Nos golpea fuerte”

On the other extreme of Lima, in the Ciudad de Gocen barrier, we also organize a commune that allows up to 93 people: the menu of the day is atun (in lata) with dads.

“This is the second day of the pandemic and the confinement we are going to lose. We need food to get rid of them”, doubled AFP’s Johana Galán, 30 years old, was eating 20 kilos of papas.

This mother of two married and married women sells books in front of the quarantine and now volunteers in this community in common with her family.

In the low-lying barrier of the Villa María del Triunfo district, 3,000 families live in precarious houses, without electricity or drinking water.
