La cuenta de Joe Biden en Twitter sigueer solo ‘n sus funcionarios … you are not a model who’s lo pidió

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The model Chrissy Teigen, like celebrity aunts, no suele fijarse al detalle quienes son los nuevos seguidores que suman cada día. For this reason, it is not uncommon for these markets to have one very unusual: the President of the United States.

Además, was treated by a hecho llamativo porque the @potus user (by his English seals), who in the last hours was transferred to the Joe Biden Administration, signed only 12 counts, all officials of their governor and other governmental accounts.

Teigen, a North American of rising talents, has a particular story on Twitter and Casa Blanca.

Very critical of Donald Trump’s ex-husband, in 2017 was blocked by the Mandate’s personal account. According to her, the response was “yes, I want to hear” in a case that went viral.

Trump has blocked Teigen
Trump has blocked Teigen

For her, before the change of management, it was time to launch a pedido. “Hello @ JoeBiden, he was blocked by the president for four years, can you follow me?”.

Horas después, su deseo se hizo reality. It was not Biden’s personal account, but the presidency’s official’s that was summed up as Teigen’s spokesman.

@Potus was able to post on Twitter and has fifty million followers, but these jewels opened up to 12 counts, like Vice President Kamala Harris or Kate Bedingfield, Director of Communications at Casa Blanca.

The following posts by @Potus
The following posts by @Potus

¡OH DIOS MÍO!”, Teigen wrote on Twitter when he entered the news. “My courage, my God, my goodness, finally can be seen from all the presidency and will probably not be controlled”.

Luego, reflection: “Probably no need to take the plunge”, Tal is cohesive with the new attention. Peru horas despuite, decided to follow and includes approving the exhibition, retrieving a message from actor Seth Rogen criticizing a user accused of being a white and fascist supremacist. ‘Solo quiero que el presidente vea esto jaja”, Written by Teigen.

Trump’s bloc dismissed controversial hearings in the courts, and the court ruled that the bloc should be considered to have not received its messages, which were considered official governing communications, while the mandate did not take the decision.


Biden warrants its functionaries in the event of failure to respect them
