La cremaron sin mi authorization, accusa madre de Mariana pasante de medicina

The body of Mariana de Lourdes Sánchez Dávalos, patient of Medicine who was killed in Ocosingo, Chiapas, was incinerated without the consent of his mother.

At a press conference, María de Lourdes Dávalos Ábrego, mother of Mariana, signaled that he had received his authorization to close the body of his hen and that the process had been accelerated.

María explained that she had just returned from a trip to Torreón, where she was traveling on a radio station.

“I had to ask myself and I ordered that the cremaran (…) only give me the time of despair, we that I had a lot of money in sacrificing the car and leaving the car, including the car and the car with me (…) the meter immediately to the crematorium ”, signaled.

Lee más: #JusticiaParaMariana: Hallan kills a patient who has taken care of social services in Chiapas

The mother of the young man was called to the fiscal state to facilitate the investigation and give it to those responsible.

It was reported that he had reported the situation on behalf of a partner since November, requesting his transfer to the Health Secretariats, who were ignoring the petition.

“She very much inquired of me as a subject of the host hostage, she decided that she was bored at night and she intended to measure the apartment she was occupying, she forced the boy to the degree that she was engaged to his bed on some occasion ( …) The habitat is constantly being harassed. “I’ve been very intrigued by it and we’ve been waiting for it to happen, I’m very clear that the clinic’s jefa has no support”, related.

María said that she had been admitted to the New Palestine Clinic, in the municipality of Ocosingo, in August and since then she had died on her bed, when the parish had an area as insecure. His petitions were filed at the Autonomous University of Chiapas (Unach).

“She was my daughter, she was my only wife, she always had many unions now with her life projects and side effects, she had to have a family, she had a very sweet daughter, her vocation was medicine and she wanted to specialize in pediatrics ( …) My goal is not to take revenge if it separates itself from the world and does justice, ”said María.

To finalize an account that in the last message that was received from his wife, Mariana gave her permission to go to the clinic by asking the director (from the Faculty of Medicine of Unach). After this I did not write the Volvo.

Posteriormente, the director of the faculty communicates with María only for giving condolences.

For its part, the lawyer of the family indicates that he has the names of the persons presumably involved in the harassment and death of the young, but they should not be condemned in respect of the trial.

“If you have numbers, if you have appeals, if you have offers, we prefer to keep this information by seal. It’s a donation that has a serious situation and acoustic, but we can not allow hayan procedural violations that allow the freedom of those responsible, “he said.

It has been stated that at present there are no detainees for the case and it is at the discretion of the State Tax and that at some point they may claim that the General Tax of the Republic owns a faculty of attraction.

Regarding the cremation without authorization of the Mariana Corps, it is important that all the evidence to decide whether to initiate a legal process is integrated.

Details that we will also send to the State Tax Office, 6 months after Mariana’s telephone messages, as well as his geolocation the day of his death to detect any type of omission by the authorities.

“From the moment it denounces the administrative authority an acoustic, the sanitary authority debits the opinion to the Public Ministry and takes all the means to withdraw from this place, if there is no responsibility of these persons, for which that they are investigating ”, refrain.

Concerning the cause of death of the young man, the lawyer said that he did not accept the suicide, until all the lines of investigation were heard.

Lee: Medical students of Chiapas announce para de actividades, demand justice in the feminidium of Mariana

“And it is necessary that the rector of the University or the secretary of Salud comparzcan, if they are quoted, have no exceptions”, acotó.

“We will handle irregularities”

At the morning conference of these schools, the secretary of government, Olga Sánchez Cordero, signaled that he had known all the irregularities he had committed and that he was meeting a federal team, set up by the Segob, to assist in the investigation.

También hizo un llamado a las autoridades de Chiapas para que agilicen la investigatión.

The employee will receive notice of Mariana’s petitions that will be ignored, the permanent accusation by a partner and the alleged incitement of the body.

“For all these irregularities, impending irregular conduct on those who do not act diligently to change camp, we will meet a federal team coordinated by the Segob and the Secretariat of Security to participate and advance in the case,” he said.

Sanchez Cordero ensures that at all times the autonomy of state authorities is respected.

“We will have a permanent scrutiny in the act of the authorities and not only remove responsibilities, we will also impute irregular conduct and presumably constitutive deeds”.

The title of the Segob dijo is indignant and solid at the death of Mariana and commented that in this case marks an antes and a despise for the authorities pongan mayor attention to the and the young people who realize his social service.

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