LA County reopens outdoor food but bans TVs

LA County health officials allow restaurants to dine outside over the weekend, but have banned the use of televisions, preventing Super Bowl viewing parties.

Gavin Newsom, governor of California, announced Monday that he is revoking all local home orders and reopening many of the state-owned enterprises, but still with a reduced capacity. LA County followed suit this week by telling restaurants they can resume outdoor meals with a 50 percent capacity, Fox 11 reported.

One thing that still discourages provincial officials, however, is gatherings for the Super Bowl. On Wednesday, Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in LA County, warned NFL fans not to hold Super Bowl parties this year for fear they could become a “super-spreader” event.

Ferrer insisted that Super Bowl parties were a bad idea this year and said: “It would be tragic if the Super Bowl became a coronavirus super-distributor.”

On the heels of Wednesday’s proclamation, Bill Melugin of Fox LA reported that officials had implemented the moratorium on Super Bowl parties by telling restaurants that TVs should remain turned off.

“Outdoor life has reopened in LA County as of today, but now the Department of Health is banning restaurants from not turning on their TVs for customers,” Melugin reported.

Melugin added that the new health department. orders tell restaurants: “Televisions or any other screens used to broadcast programs must be removed from the area or turned off. This provision is effective until further notice. ”

The Fox reporter noted that officials want to stop people watching the Super Bowl outside at sports bars / restaurants. But the ban can only send people to private residences during the game.

The ban on TVs has been widely ridiculed on social media:

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