LA County due to wider reopening as COVID numbers decline

Some of California’s largest provinces – including Los Angeles – may be ready to unlock parts of their economies as quickly as the week if certain criteria are met.

The possible accelerated opening in places like the provinces of LA, Orange and San Bernardino is possible thanks to a reopening of the reopening of the coronavirus blueprint that government officials announced last week.

It works like this: 40% of the state’s available COVID-19 vaccines will now be dedicated to residents in California’s most disadvantaged areas – according to a major commitment, officials will help address the inequalities in vaccine administration.

Once 2 million doses have been administered in these communities, the state will loosen the threshold required for a country to leave the most restrictive press category of the four-tier, color-coded reopening card.

Currently, provinces need to have an adjusted daily coronavirus incidence rate at or below seven new cases per day per 100,000 people to move to the more permissible red level. But after the state reaches its 2 million dose target, which it is likely to do this week, provinces with a case rate of up to 10 new cases per day per 100,000 people will be eligible for the red level.

According to state data, nearly 1.88 million total vaccine doses were administered in the targeted communities as of Monday – those in the lowest quartile of the California Healthy Places Index.

The provinces of LA, Orange and San Bernardino were among those who last week recorded custom cases of less than 10 new cases per 100,000 people. If they fall below the threshold again on Tuesday, the provinces will be allowed to advance to the next level of reopening.

“Our understanding is that within 48 hours of the state announcing that the vaccination system has been reached, LA County – along with other provinces with qualifying cases – will be moved to the red level and allowed to reopen for additional activities,” he said. LA County Public said. Health director Barbara Ferrer said during an information session on Monday.

Official health officials “are already working with the Board of Supervisors and all our sectors to plan for a meaningful and safe reopening as permitted by the state, but as appropriate for our country,” she continued.

Provinces in the red level can have indoor restaurant and movie theaters reopened with 25% capacity or up to 100 people, depending on the least. Personal classes will also be allowed to resume for students in grades seven through 12.

Indoor gyms and dance and yoga studios have a capacity of 10%. Museums, zoos and aquariums can open indoor activities with a capacity of 25%, and non-essential shops and libraries can open at a capacity of 50%, as opposed to a capacity of 25%.

However, it is not self-evident that LA County will immediately open as wide as the red level allows. Provinces can adopt rules that are stricter, but not more lenient, than those of the state.

“While we plan to move to the red level, where additional reopening will be allowed, we are looking at science to understand what practices could help reduce COVID-19 transmission,” Ferrer said.

She pointed to a study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that the death rate from COVID-19 was slowing down in provinces where countries needed masks, and that it was accelerating in provinces where restaurants were allowed on the premises. has.

“This is something we need to consider when we start more reopening in our restaurants,” she said.

While changing the red-level threshold will accelerate reopening in some provinces, others are ready to make progress this week, regardless. Based on the latest state data, 12 provinces could possibly continue this week, including nine that are currently in the press level: Alameda, Butte, Calaveras, Imperial, Mono, Placer, Santa Cruz, Solano and Tuolumne.

Government Gavin Newsom said Monday that the state “sees more and more progress every day as we reopen our economy and reopen our schools safely for personal public education.”

“The light is really bright at the end of this tunnel,” he said during an information session in Tulare County.

A potential broader reopening is, among other things, positive news for LA County. Officials said the region would also receive its largest share of COVID-19 to date – a welcome, if possible short-lived, boost that would enable tens of thousands of additional Angelenos to get their first chance.

The swelling of about 312,000 doses this week is a significant shipment of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which federal drug regulators recently approved for emergency use.

Officials are hopeful that the California vaccination and the country’s vaccination campaign will give a shot in the arm, as it involves only a single dose.

The other two vaccines that have been cleared for use in the United States, one from Pfizer-BioNTech and the other from Moderna, require two shots, which are administered weeks apart.

LA County expects to receive 53,700 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine this week.

Officials in the city of Los Angeles said they expect to administer 88,000 shots this week, and most of them – nearly 68,000 – will be first doses.

“Vaccinations are our ticket to ending the pandemic, saving lives, rebuilding our communities and giving hope for a healthier future,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement. ‘We still have a long way to go to vaccinate as many Angelenos as possible safely and quickly – and a larger, more steady dose dose this week means we can bring relief to more elderly people, front line and essential workers, and all eligible around a vaccine in our city. ”

However, this week’s progress could be a flash in the short term, as production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been delayed by production issues.

“All counties have benefited from the awarding of Johnson & Johnson doses this week, but we are not sure if there will be additional doses of Johnson & Johnson in the next two weeks,” Ferrer said. “And it will have a big impact.”

Supply squeezing has been a persistent problem for health care institutions across the country.

Newsom said California is designing a system that could deliver 4 million vaccines a week, though shipments have yet to come close to that level.

In LA County, officials say they could have offered more than 600,000 appointments a week if they had had enough doses.

The state is turning to a new vaccination program run by Blue Shield of California, with the goal of creating “more efficient distribution, speed and equity and transparency,” according to Newsom.

However, there is resistance against provinces that believe that the system would not be able to satisfy their unique needs and different populations.

For the time being, COVID-19 vaccines are available for 65 people or older, residents of long-term care facilities such as nursing homes or jobs in education and child care, food and agriculture, health care, law enforcement or emergency services.

However, the pool of residents who can receive the shots will deepen significantly as the state will expand the election to millions of people with underlying health problems and disabilities from next week.

Over the past week, providers across the country have administered an average of 184,541 doses per day, according to data compiled by The Times.

To date, nearly 10.4 million total doses have gone into weapon range, including more than 2.5 million in LA County alone.

While encouraging, it is still not enough to end the pandemic. As a result, officials say it remains important, even for those vaccinated, to continue taking steps to stop the transmission of the coronavirus – such as wearing masks in public, keeping physical distance from those with whom they do not live and regularly wash their hands.

Under new guidance issued Monday, the CDC said Americans can hang out with others in small indoor gatherings, without masks or social distance, once fully vaccinated.

“We’ve been through a lot over the last year, and with more and more people being vaccinated, we’re starting to make a turn every day,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, CDC director, said during an information session. “And as more Americans are vaccinated, a growing body of evidence now tells us that there are activities that people who are fully vaccinated can resume at low risk for themselves.”

According to Dr. Christina Ghaly, director of health services in LA County, residents should also feel confident when it comes to rolling up their sleeves, no matter what vaccine they receive.

“Although the vaccines are slightly different, the ways they are the same are much bigger and much more important than the ways they are different,” she said Monday. ‘They are the same in the trait that is most important: and it is their ability to prevent the most serious illnesses with COVID, and the ability to prevent death. I urge you to get a vaccine, no matter what it is, as soon as you are eligible. ‘

Times writers Chris Megerian and Melody Gutierrez contributed to this report.
