La Casa Blanca analyzes to send mascarillas to all hogares del país

US President Joe Biden takes off his mask to sign executive orders strengthening access to affordable health care at the White House in Washington, USA, on January 28, 2021.  REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque
US President Joe Biden takes off his mask to sign executive orders strengthening access to affordable health care at the White House in Washington, USA, on January 28, 2021. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

The mayor’s part of the attention of the new federal administration of the United States is able to combat the pandemic of COVID 19. The prisoners from the amplification of the evacuation process have to incentivize the access to exams, following a total repatriation plan of schools and the obligation to use mascara tapas boxes in public transport.

This consideration is the probability that, in incentive mode in its use, see the federal governing property that sends millions of mascarillas to all the hogares of the country. The project is not new, surpassed for the first time by Donald J. Trump’s governor, except for his term of office, which calls for a proposal. Record that the ex president has an ambivalent relationship with the use of masks. For moments they recommend, for moments opuso to them.

The Biden administration has recommended the use of tapas as the main barrier to the spread of the virus. Inclusive, this week, the doctor Anthony Fauci, director of the United States Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (and practically the only official of the Trump administration who made a transition to the Biden administration), is usually a gunshot wound to the face of two mascarillas.

“This is a physical cube to prevent guts and viruses from entering. If there is a cape colocas out capa, simply feel like it is more effective ”, declares the chief virologist of the country in the NBC chain.

Joe Biden has not yet approved the new project, but there are recent findings at Casa Blanca val saam in that the idea of ​​sending mascarillas to the hogares has been debated in various meetings.

Biden has provided the citizens who use masked masks during the first days of their governing body, and between their executive orders companies in the first week meet the demand for the use of public transport and federal transport.

The spokesperson for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, will present his date with his mascara before the press conference.
The spokesperson for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, will present his date with his mascara before the press conference.

“There are a variety of options to help protect more covid 19 statuses and incentivize us to use mascarillas, but have not yet made a final decision,” said Jen Psaki, secretary of the White House press. which has many details included in the project such as the amount of mascarillas that can be sent by hogar, if they are detachable or reusable and have the cost of the program.

At the moment, when the Trump administration is undergoing a major overhaul, the cargo officials are determined to send the mascarillas to the hogares, enlisting federal agencies throughout the country, public editions and fine-tuned organizations. between the population.

In front of the previous government program, contracts were signed between the Department of Health and Human Services and textile manufacturers for the massive production of mascarillas, including the America Strong program, for 640 million dollars.

The difference between what concerns the previous administration, Biden’s governor demanded that all the officers at Casa Blanca wear a mascara at any moment. The secretariat of the press will be with its boca and nariz covered in the rows of diaries, and will be found only at the moment of declarations from the podium. Biden himself always shows up with a mascara puesta, including during meetings in the oval salon.


Coronavirus in United States: enter into force the mandatory use of mascarillas in public transport
