La Biden’s agenda | Listín Diario

With the end of the Free War in 1991, which implied the Berlin Wall, the diploma of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the popular democracies of Eastern Europe, the United States emerged as the world’s only potential.

Enthusiasm is about the end of history, the triumph of capitalism and democracy and the unipolar North American moment on the international stage.

What was wrong with the protests in the United States or in the rest of the world so that in his speech on the occasion, President Joe Biden expressed that North American democracy, although fragile, was prevalent?

No matter how much he talks about it, the recent presidential election has been recognized as recognizing the existence of a crisis that will never happen again: the legitimacy of the North American democratic political system.

So, by supuesto, I agree with the motive of the end of the Congress of the 6th of January, by a turbulent turmoil instigated by President Donald Trump, procured, by means of violence, to change the results of the presidential elections, the cuales estimaban falsos. This action, considered unimaginable, is no more, without embarrassment, as the last episode of a series of events, initiated in the free post office, which he evidently put forward the economic, social and political decadence of the United States.

Correct or amend this situation is the strategic objective of President Joe Biden’s agenda, in reconnaissing in his recent inaugural speech the existence of six types of crisis that are currently converging in the North American world. The first, it is clear, is the Covid-19 pandemic, which was caused by its predecessor. It has used more than 20 million contagious and more than 400 miles of deaths, a superior figure, is the ultimate in all of the global accident victims during the Second World War.

This is the economic impact generated by the pandemic, economic contraction, high standards and the number of companies.

Likewise, the crisis of social inequality, racism, climatic change, trust and credibility in the system, as well as the papal of the United States in the world.

All in all, it is fair to say that the colloquium will take place by President Biden in order to relocate his country, newly, in a position of global leadership, requiring to address factors within the United States as well as global.


To put an end to his governing plans, the President-in-Office recently took over the dismantling of Donald Trump’s legacy, which led him to the state crisis in its current state of eviction.

To reverse the political deviations applied by its predecessor and it will not be enough to reactivate the economic, social and political system, as the series simply returns to what happened in the time of Barack Obama.

The situation is quite complex; and it is after the end of the free war that the world phenomenon of economic, commercial and financial globalization has taken over.

In principle, there have been moving movements, at the international level, who are fighting the new globalization, demanding solidarity with the human race.

However, with time, in a paradoxical manner, the right-wing and extreme right-wing movements and political parties are making the termination of anti-globalization discourse.

The reason given is that global values ​​of value are causing the loss of various businesses in the United States in order to install other cities. This is because of the reasons for the reduction in labor costs and, consequently, the increase in utilities for companies.

There are, however, no such plants as meta, the globalization of which originates in a phenomenon of deindustrialization, affecting this manner, with a high level of simplicity, and therefore, economic and social instability, an important white segment, media class and trabajadora, de la poblción norteamericana.

If there is an increase in the commercial deficit, the global financial crisis of 2008, the global recession that after a decade has passed the follow-up and the propaganda that the massive migration of Hispanics will be judged by the result of a more severe crisis barata que los desplazaba del mercado laboral.

Fueron, among others, are socio-demographic, economic and cultural factors, which will undermine the groundwork for the creation of a social base to support Donald Trump’s 2016 2016 election, which is more than 70 million of votes in the presidential comic passages.


Immediately after his inauguration, President Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations to put into effect the policies adopted by Trump, both within the internal order and in the international arena.

Observe the criterion elaborated in his discourse that in these moments, in the United States, “there is much to repair; much that restores; much that sanar, much that construir and much that ganar. ”

Order the suspension of the construction of the wall on the front with Mexico and the day before the policy of aislation and unilateralism of the four previous years.

Reintegrate into the United States at the Paris Accord, on a climate change basis, as well as at the World Health Organization, in order to restore this authority and prestige in its role as World Coordinator of Sanitary Policy.

Biden has established that during its governing administration the United States will unleash an active panel on multilateral bodies, which represents a major breakthrough in the form of access to and resolution of major global problems and conflicts.

Pero-hay graves have a difficult place in las que, indudablemente se encontrará en la conducción de su política exterior. It is the case, for example, of how to recover the confidence of the traditional North American aliens in Europe.

During the last Republican administration, the North American government treated in a humiliating manner to its allied traditional transatlantic worlds. Their considerations regarding the OTAN military alliance paper on France and Germany consider the need to design a strategic autonomy with regard to security.

Peru igual ocurre con Iran. How can this Muslim country be created in the United States, if it is negotiated and agreed with a governing body, is it negotiated by itself, in a unilateral manner?

As we approach the relationship with China, with which independently of the commercial, geopolitical or technological competences that exist, we must not treat ourselves with a tone and rhetoric that is not the height of his condition of second economic potential world?

How will the negotiations with Russia take place before the company of a new nuclear arms reduction treaty?

What will be its political frontier in Latin America and the Caribbean, more so in Cuba and Venezuela?

Finally, President Joe Biden’s agenda, as domestic as it is, to overcome the current multidimensional crisis of the United States, will be lasting, complex and difficult.

But, in any case, for the sake of his country and the world, he will be superior to the one who dies in herence in the antecesor in the cargo box of the Casa Blanca.
