Kurt Angle Reveals the Lucha in What Makes More Money in WWE – WWE News, Results and More! – PRWrestling

Mientras hablaba in his new podcast, “The Kurt Angle Show”, Kurt Angle hable about his lie against Shawn Michaels in WrestleMania 21.

Angle revealed that his game against Shawn Michaels was fired by the mayor in WWE. This was a wrestling match between WrestleMania 19, 20 and 22.

“Fue uno de mis días de paga más altos. My lucha with Shawn Michaels fue my mayor paga. WrestleMania 21. Creo que porque era un combate destacado y estabamos Shawn y yo y ya sabes, no había título en juego, asi que no stábamos en el evento estelar, pero fue un combate de ensueño, y creo que esa la la razón por la that Vince McMahon pays me more for this fight than for the others. ”

“Yes, you participated in the wrestling event of WrestleMania 19, WrestleMania 20, because you were in a game on the world title, and WrestleMania 22, you were in a game on the world title. Geen fueron todos los últimos (en el kartel), pero muy últimos. Gain the same money in the three stellar events. But, Shawn’s hat is a little more, ”he said.

PRWorstel to trae las ultimas WWE notices. Recall that we hear rumors, predictions and results of WWE Royal Rumble 2021, ‘n celebrate the home, 31 de enero.
