The White House wanted to denounce the existence of a migration crisis on the frontier in Mexico, saying that President Joe Biden used this phrase to refer to the massive documentary, among them many minorities.
Biden dijo el sábado a los periodistas que su Administración staba stududandi la posibilidad de aumentar la cuote de refugiados cuande se producet de “crisis” migratia, la primera de su mandate, en la frontera con México, a la que llegen a diario digits récord de without papules, between them minor minors unaccompanied.
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In his diary press conference, the spokesman for the White House, Jen Psaki, recalled this Monday the official discourse signaling that Biden was referring to the multiple crisis in Central America that provoked the massive exodus. The spokesman asserted that “the president does not know that the right of minorities on our front to strike a blow of violence, economic difficulties and other reasons is a crisis”. Here is the factual statement that provokes the skin to the north, subrayo. “The President considers the crisis in Central America” as the problem that must be addressed in order to prevent the influx of undocumented people.
Hecho, the first presupposition of the federal governor – of discretionary guests -, presented the 9th day, consecrated a specific party to address the causes provoked the exodus, between which the Biden Administration includes the violence of the pandillas, the Economic crisis, natural disasters or the impact of the climate change.
Psaki also alluded to the controversy surrounding the fires by the contradictory announcement of the White House over the refugee quota. In the beginning of the moment, look at the Biden has decided to maintain the maximum annual quota of 15,000 people, the minimum that his predecessor, Donald Trump, adopted. However, despite the controversy surrounding the announcement, there has been a flurry of criticism from Democrats, the White House has rectified and ensured that, as of May 15, it will raise its annual tax rate this year.
Psaki has also denied that the White House has yet to make a comeback in this regard. EE UU is “a country that benefits from the conflict” and the current Administration is still doing what is possible “to change the policies of the Gobierno anterior”, according to Psaki. “We can not do anything in the past, but now we have to raise the number” of refugees, said Biden on Saturday when he was playing with the pressure that the front was living on as a crisis.
In the meantime, the Supreme Court has been reluctant to grant permanent residence to persons who are allowed to live in the country on humanitarian grounds, if they enter the territory of the EU in an illegal manner. It is the case of the Temporary Protection Statute (TPS, in its English seals), recently concluded by the Venezuelans who suffered from the crisis in their countries and, previously, the nationals of various countries of Central America, Syria or Sudan of the South, between otros. The Supreme Court has pronounced this lunar against a remedy presented by a salvadoran matrimony, benefiting from the status of temporary protection, but to which an ordinary tribunal denies the green card, the permanent residence permit, for his unrealistic entry into the country.
If the Supreme is reaffirmed in its opposition, the permanence of miles of people attached to this system -muchas of them, after years of residence in EEUU- pende of a hilo. A negative decision was made in a breeze on Biden’s migration policy, in support of the migrant defense groups and many of their Democratic correlations.