Koeman y la pelea que no se vio en el Barcelona-Granada: ” Eres un payaso, te falta humildad ” – Diez

Ronald Koeman sabía que se jugaba mucho ante el Granada and for that he celebrated the triunfo del barcelona by all means high in the Copa del Rey. The azulgranas sufrieron to advance to the semifinals of the tournament in a game defined in the prorogy.

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The reaction of the coach at the Estadio Los Cármenes is indignant at the bench of the locals and especially at the delantero Roberto Soldado, with whom a small bitch escaped.

“It’s a subnormal, it’s a subnormal,” the former Real Madrid rehearses Koeman festejaba uno de los tantos, pues el party mantenía los nervos a flor de piel.

Pero el ariete del Granada no support podium and seguía señalando al Barça technique: ” Eres un payaso, te falta humildad ”, le lanzó.

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A conflict between banknotes that was present throughout the party, to the point that a member of the technical team of each had an acupuncture expelled by the arbitrator Sánchez Martínez.

Here is the explanation given by the college in the arbitral act: ” In the minute 85 the technique Pérez López was expelled by the following motive: Protesting of the form oynskynlike, levantándose, gritando and levantando los brazos des su position in the grade, has been advertised prevalently In the minute 113 the technician Albertus Schreuder was fired for the following motive: Sale of his technical area in celebration of a goal making gestures to provoke the local banker “.
