Kobbo Santarrosa: “I have absolutely no problem” | Scenario

Second of a series

Who is Comay? For one it is the monk who maintains at 5:55 pm, for others, it is simply the object of his repudio. But what does Antulio “Kobbo” Santarrosa represent?

“For me it is a person, for the people it is a human being. Sometimes I come across the people who live in the Comay. Every time I write, I call it lines, I refer to it as a human being. In the manner in which the hemosphere is, the hemosphere is humanized and so is what I am satisfied with, ”Santarrosa assured THE VOCERO.

With the inauguration of Telemundo and Brinco in Wapa, which took place 14 years ago, until the end of 2013, a boycott of SuperXclusivo. Withdrawal will end on January 28, 2019, with the release of La Comay on Mega TV, which will be released by December 18, 2020, while not being renewed. It’s union with TeleOnce, former Puerto Rico Univisión, occupying the time of 17:55, Monday to Wednesday.

In the distinct boycotts carried out against the program and in person it has been racist, homophobic and xenophobic.

Kobbo Santarrosa 3

The title reflection on the character of the Comay. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

‘Eso hasta gracia me da. Homophobic yo never he sido, never lo seré and never lo fui. I’m an individual from my house …. I have so many friends and employees of the environment, that I would like to say: ‘because I have said and you are homophobic’. I’m racist now, my dad was like this (black) and my husband, we are all black race. Pero si uno dice cualquier cosita en vacilón, geen hooi manera nie. Xenophobic nee, mis panas son dominicanos, de todo ”, responds.

Aseguró no tener arrepentimientos.

También is distancing himself from the attributes haber hecho daño desde su espacio.

“Que venga alguien y diga: ‘Kobbo Santarrosa o la Comay rompió mi matrimonio, me hizo daño’; for this is what he says: ‘la Comay haciendo daño, dañando reputations’. But, what reputation, of whom, that I deserve a number. Basically, everything that has been featured in my programs on Telemundo, Wapa and Mega is totally cool. If one does something equivocal, but that equation is not like a matrimony or to make a donation, ”exclaims the title.

This is an addition: “I have heard that she commented that at the behest of the Comay or Kobbo, the mother or the papa murió. Pero como, dónde, que expliquen, pero no pueden explicar. Nunca, nunca se le ha hecho daño, la persona cree que se le hizo daño ”.

Sondeverbod, dijo se ha kallado “muchas cosas”. “If there is a mountain of chism, there is at least 30% of the debt to the people who are unable to do so because they can create a tragedy. You can not shoot at all, you can hit it like a metal. I do not have to destroy a person, I do not want to mention the cases, but he is well on his way ”, aseveró.

Yan Ruiz La Comay

Yan Ruiz is one of the Comay in the new space on TeleOnce. > Carlos Rivera Giusti / EL VOCERO

The new animator

Given the impossibility of Rocky the Kid accompanying Comay, Santarrosa was selected by locator Yan Ruiz, who will be assisting Héctor Travieso in his first years on Wapa TV.

“Yan is well versed, has a beautiful verb, is a dandi, and has no connection with the minor doubt that we are in China. It’s a well prepared and we will form the vacillon. Important here is the Comay, it is the star of the show. Yan al igual que Eddie (Miró), Travieso y Rocky fueron sus comodines. If it was an exit, the people would like to see that there are others ”, affirmed enthusiastically, who breathes in Ricardo Eladio, hopes to meet with various reporters.

These fines, conversed with Jessica Serrano, but accepted acceptance that in the days is due to his marriage and could not be completed with the covers.

If he communicates with his antigua reporter Sylvia Hernández, wat ‘no contemplé eso’ indicates.

Kobbo Santarrosa studio

The ultimate producer details for the stranger ayer of the program by TeleOnce, station with the company contracted for both years and medium. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

Mega TV Reaction

The new studio of La Comay is exclusive to the program and is the mayor’s tamaño that he tenido. The concept was staged by stage designer Edgar Viruet.

On the other hand, THE VOCERO looking for the reaction of the Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS) Puerto Rico, tras the expressions of Santarrosa in the sense that vivio “a hell” in his step on Mega TV.

“We do not have any comments on this topic,” said Michelle Torres, SBS Puerto Rico’s correspondent.
