Knows the story of a Colombian who created a Tamil business in New York

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In 2013, Alejandro Martin was only 25 years old and had a professional title as a Social Communist and Journalist and decided to venture into New York (United States) to learn English, without thinking that three years later he was on his own business. His business, ‘La Tamaleria Colombiana ‘, logró combines its three passions: marketing, sales and sales. Así, este joven hizo que el tamal tolimense fuera reconocido en al menos cinco estados del norteamericano pais.

The history of comedy ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’ is graceful, and has been incredible, then Alejandro no tenía planeado hacer tamales para vender, sino solo para calmar un antojo de su novia, who was embarrassed. They intend to buy the plate in Latin restaurants in New York, but no one else, if they decide to call Alejandro’s mother, expert in tamales tolimenses, so that, at a distance, he will explain.

“My mother, who is a tolimense, has some spectacular tamales and we believe that we are the hiccups. Admit that the Tamil peoples were killed when he heard the story, but he was killed all the time “, Alejandro’s account.

In this opportunity Alejandro and his novel hicieron más tamales de lo necesario, asi que decidieron venderlos a sus conocidos. Although he confessed that he did not have his best culinary product, the plate was successful, and here he started everything.

The capital with which it operated to operate ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’ for only $ 300, which in these equations equals 950,000 Colombian pesos, and currently has one million 100,000 pesos.

“I got $ 300 to live in a garage for a friend I had. Ahi commenced, and commenced selling on the calf, practically, and with it ganaba buy to make more tamales that volvía and vendía, and asi iba along with the ganancias to produce more. This is a grandiose sign ”

Los tamales empezaron a ser vendidos en la calle 82 con Roosevelt, en Queens, un barrio gewilde, sobre todo entre latinos, en Nueva York. In this place, which is called Colombia, Alejandro feels all the days, from 14:00 until 20:00, without importing the climate, to sell his product. I confess that at the beginning of the daba pena, pero agraró confianza y cada vez más personas le compraban tamales.

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Although the time passes, the production of tamales increases and so do the gains. Currently, ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’ delivers 8,000 weekly tamales and the bargain menu is full and offers complete types and types of shoes.

As for the ingresos, each tamal is sold for 5 dollars (17,000 pesos approximately). In addition to New York, the product is commercialized in Washington, Virginia, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Miami, Pennsylvania, Florida, Orlando, among other major cities. In these places the dynamics of sale are distinct, can work with distributors who sell each tamal for 10 dollars (32,000 miles of Colombian pesos). Manejando estos precios, las ventas ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’, a general general ascending to 100,000 annual dollars, es decir, more than 360 million pesos.

With his understanding, Alejandro is an example of that migration has benefits, not only for women living in their place of origin, but for the recipient communities. With the bill ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’, the business has to pay taxes in the United States. Además, le from a labor opportunity to 140 people, tanto af Estados Unidos, como en Colombia.

Alejandro won his bargaining campaign with residents of the Cundinamarca department, y ellos se encargan de cosechar las hojas de platen in las que se envuelven los tamales.

We will be relocating our property to the finan plane and we will be working on the Cundinamarca campsites as well as our high heels. We do this because we are the only ones who are the same, and so when the people only take the tamal, they know that it is the same thing as the typical Colombian ”, explained Alejandro.

Cabe concludes that, the job of this young man was not built of the night in the moonlight, then his story took place when he was 17 years old and he sold televisions and sound equipment in order to pay for his studies. His inclination towards sales and negotiations is always very strong, and at the end of two years he will be the national supervisor of all the sales team.

I have this work in companies known as Samsung, donde se desempeñó como product manager of porters and printers during three years. Joining the D-Link Company, not erect a load de la estrategia de mercadeo. His labor opportunity was good, and podium ser mejor, pero algo se lo impedía: el no saber inglés.

In these cases, the decision is taken to remove the letters, and has to be examined, to be taken to New York and to take an English course. Alejandro studied and worked as a knife to help his basic guests. Combine schedules and make money easy, pero pensaba que valdría la pena y solo seria temporal, pues always plan to fly to Colombia and get a better job of which tenies antes irse.

Alejandro’s idea is perfect, but I do not know with whom the reality of the project is related to its projects. The Joven Volvo in the country, which has been around for 27 years, has a perfect English case and a promise of life, as has been applied to a high level Samsung car.

Alejandro passed all the selection filters, but in the end he did not have the power for a reason that Colombian youths received at the time of searching for employment: “we do not have enough oaths. Necesitamos a foreign mayor ”. Alejandro le ofrecieron otro vrag, pero Conditions and salaries are much lower than expected, as the decision is to move to the United States.

At the moment, while working in distant offices, montó ‘La Tamalería Colombiana’ which has now been reconciled between the Latin community in the exterior. The team that launched it, made sure it was not enough, then has vliegtuie aún gras large with this business.

“I want to see the tambourine of the McDonald’s of the Colombians”

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