Knowledge of infectious diseases: Vaccinations must be accelerated before potential COVID “hurricane”

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, on Sunday urged the U.S. to vaccinate as many people over 65 as possible before a possible COVID-19 surge caused by the new strain which was first detected in England. .

The whole picture: About 1.3 million doses a day are administered on average, according to a New York Times analysis – in line with President Biden’s goal of giving Americans 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 100 days. But the deployment in the states was rocky.

  • The Biden government is still trying to find more than 20 million doses of vaccine distributed in states, reports Politico. States rely on health departments in the country and local officials to arrange vaccinations, as the CDC’s vaccine administration website is allegedly looted and not widely used.

What he says: ‘Let me say now, we need an audible link, ‘Osterholm said, referring to the US vaccine distribution plan. The fact is that the boom that is likely to take place with this new variant from England, in the next 6 to 14 weeks. “

  • “And if we see it happen, which my 45 years in the trenches tells us we will do, we’re going to see something like we’ve never seen in this country before. England, for example, is in the hospital twice as many people as ever. previously. at our highest number admitted to hospital. ‘
  • “So we still want to get two doses in all of them, but I think before the boom we need as much to get as many doses as possible in as many as 65 people to reduce serious illnesses and deaths. To prevent over the coming weeks.”

Remarkable: While Osterholm, in agreement with the CDC, believes that the British strain could eventually become the dominant coronavirus strain in the US, he added that the variant “did not show its ability to evade protection against the vaccine”, although it seems to be more transferable.

The conclusion: “I mean, imagine where we are now, Chuck. You and I are sitting on this beach where it is 70 degrees, perfect blue sky, gentle breeze. “But I see Hurricane Five, Category Five or higher, 450 kilometers from the sea,” Osterholm said.
