Know these essential essences that help you to relax and be emotionally well

Allison Gutiérrez – [email protected]

Min & Mood son loose aceiete essentials of the company Oriflame, to help the emotional well-being of the people.

This new brand, according to the company, was inspired by the Swedish philosophy ‘Lagom’: “Ni demasiado poco ni en exceso: en su justa medida”, pues son perfectos para la vida diaria.

With it launched on the market four flavors. The first is ‘Energize’, created to provoke positive emotions, generating energy, appreciating the mind.

It has its own red and turmeric ingredients that act on the cortex’s motor cortex. The second of these is ‘Empower Me’, which will increase interior confidence and increase self-esteem. También is ‘Balance me’: a promise that supports full attention and action in the area of ​​the cerebrum called precune. An ultimate ace is ‘Relax Me’, ideal for disconnecting and relaxing, then much calming and relieving tensions of the day.

“Our assets are being tested in global laboratories and have proven neuroscientific efficiencies and can be adapted to live diarrhea,” said Frenza Vacca, marketing director of the brand.
