Kim Potter is being arrested and charged with second-degree homicide

By Wilson Wong- NBC News

The Minnesota police officer was caught red-handed by a detainee at Daunte Wright during a traffic check and was charged with the deaths of a young black man, informing law enforcement officials.

Kim Potter, a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Center Police Department, will be charged second degree homicide in relation to Wright’s death, announced the fiscal of Washington state Pete Orput.

If the accusation of what in English is known as manslaughter, a type of penalty that consists of matar a una persona sin malicia, premeditation to other aggravated suspects. It can cover a prison sentence of no more than 10 years or the payment of a maximum of 20,000 dollars, or both.

Potter was detained during a raid on these schools. Will be taken to Hennepin’s prison cell. The Washington State Fiscal Office will present the most expensive cargo this day.

Wright pleaded guilty to one count of felony criminal mischief for firing on a sculpture with a shotgun, according to the Office of the Medical Officer of the Department of Hennepin.

Potter and Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon dismissed March on the eve of Wright’s death, killing only 14 miles north of where George Floyd was abducted last year.

The day before yesterday, Gannon told the periodicals that the agent pretended to use a gun taser but “sacked his pistol in this place”. A short video of the corporate chamber published the Monday show on Wright intending to return to his coach while he has a voice to say: “¡Taser! “.

The most beautiful woman in the world is now: “Santo cielo, acabo de dispararle”, while the coach is waiting, the police say.

His mother, Katie Wright, said she was afraid to let the agents tell him he was paying the coach when he called the parade.

“Daunte preguntó: ¿Por qué? La policía le respondió: Te lo explicaré quandande sales de del Coche. ¿Are you in trouble?, Volvió a preguntar. Te lo explanaemu quoande sales de del Coche, añadió Potter”, según account Katie Wright.

[Despiden a uno de los agentes que amenazaron y golpearon a un militar afrolatino en Virginia después de que la policía estatal abriera una investigación]

The parade ends within minutes later the mother has a video parade and the news of his high-profile contest that Wright has received a reprieve.

“Appoint the telephone to the conductor’s assistant, and mi hijo estaba tendido allí sin reageer“, dijo Katie Wright.” It was the last time I saw him. Esa fue la ultima vez que supe de él, y nee hy tenido no explanation of sentences“, añadió.

Wright’s death prompted a white agent to increase the tension raised by Minnesota residents, while Minneapolis police chief Derek Chauvin was judged by Floyd’s assailant, who killed provocative protesters throughout the country against racism Systematic and renewed the paralyzed to deal with the police brutality of the vernacular.

Minnesota has the national focal point of various notable police tirotes in recent years.

In April 2019, Minneapolis police ex – Mohamed Noor police officer was sentenced to death in a third degree and homicide and second degree by the death of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a white city with dual nationality, estadounidense and australiana.

[¿Cómo puede un policía confundir su pistola con un ‘taser’ eléctrico y matar a una persona?]

Damond called the police on July 15, 2017 to denounce that there was a sexual aggression that was stabbed in his bar. When saluting to greet the agents who respond, Noor said that the confusion with an “amenaza”, the disparó y la mató.

Condensed for 12 years and means of imprisonment.

In June of 2017, a lawsuit was filed against St. Louis police. Anthony Jeronimo Yanez, of the various deaths of a black worker in a school cafeteria Philando Castile during traffic control one year earlier.

The incident attracted national attention because the deadly body was found alive in Facebook by the newcomer and passenger of Castile, Diamond Reynolds. Reynolds says that Castile received various reports while looking for his identification after deciding to Yanez that he had a permit to carry arms and carry one.

[La defensa de Derek Chauvin se esfuerza por justificar el uso de la fuerza contra George Floyd: “Siguió su entrenamiento”]

And before, the Minneapolis white police implicated in the deadly murder of a black man 24 years ago, Jamar Clark, was not charged in connection with an incident that occurred in the fall of 2015.

Clark’s policy states that he is suspicious of agreeing to his novel and that he interferes with the paramedics that the institute attends. The agents insist that Clark be willing to arm his arm during a force, while the critics of the decision not to present charges will say that the man was disarmed and did not need to leave.
