Kim Jong-un ordenó fusilar a quatro personas tra traficas pelikulas y música de Korea del Sur

The dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, held the First Meeting of the Octave Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang, North Korea, on 24 February.  Fue el
The dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, held the First Reunion of the Octava Central Military Commission of the Korean Workers’ Party (WPK) in Pyongyang, North Korea, on 24 February. Fue el “Líder Supremo” quien ordende el fusilamiento los los quatat traficantes (Reuters)

The dictatorship of Kim Jong-un fusiló to four people to sell movies and music from South Korea, in which it means a brutal message for the vecinos and demas merchants searching for the supuestos “traders”. The hecho was revealed by the diary Daily NK which suele obtain exclusive information of what happens in North Korea bajo el yugo del “Líder Supremo”.

The ejaculation, by order of a tribunal of the norcorea capital Pyongyang and is located by a police squadron, must be located at the entrance gate of the local condos in the district of Sadong of that city and the last March 2. The brutal firefighting ceremony was attended by vices and other commercial entities. The victims are three men and a woman, all around 50 and 30 years old.

Executed by the regime of Kim Jong-un vivían in the district of Hyongjae of capital. The group accuses traffic traffickers of commercialized Korean films, entertainment and musical programs on cards SD. Eran distributed by a red aun not dismantled by Pyongyang which operates in all countries. The party that considers the negotiation considered illegal by the dictatorship, also dedicates itself to the prohibition of cigarettes, from agreeing to the surcorean medium that hizo publishes the notice.

The couple also created a mini factory replete of production equipment near their home that employs 30 to 40 people. The vecinos think that it is strange that repentance is huiberan vuelto tan accommodated financially, given that generally it is difficult to win so much money selling counterfeit cigarettes”, Dijo Daily NK. It is called the attention of the authorities -which permits the other activity- and fue because it does not delay the sale of music and upcoming films of South Korea.

Kim Jong-un applies the Ley Antirreaccionaria for commercializing music in Korean music videos Sur (Reuters)
Kim Jong-un applies the Ley Antirreaccionaria for commercializing music in Korean music videos Sur (Reuters)

In spite of the creation of the anti-reactionary think tank, the authorities established ‘combined anti-socialist and non-socialist command centers’, and from February the principles of command centers were established in each province, city administration and ciudad“, Dijo la fuente. ‘In the case of the couple sent by the Ministry of Security of the State to the mandate center of Pyongyang, and to arrest other workers 30 years ago the couple paid them to copy the SD cards”, Agreed to the informant.

The source confirms that the theme is very different Kim Jong-un y quien fue él quien dio la orden de fusilamiento de los implicados, según Daily NK. The cargo that weighs on them is the “traidores de la patria”. ‘Preliminary investigations suelen are delayed by six months, but the couple had been publicly executed expeditiously for an example”, Comment the source.

Article 27 of the Ley del Pensamiento Antirreaccionario signal that someone who is surprised importing or distributing “music videos, music and works published by Corea del Sur”Se enfrenta a una vid de trabajo forzoso o ejecución. The decision of “Líder Supremo”, which took place in the brutal case: deberían is executed in front of his friends.


Kim Jong-un arrested in North Korea over economic crisis 20 years ago
