Kim Jong-un acknowledges North Korean step by step “economic issues” in economic problems

Seoul The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, inaugurated the congress of the North Korean party, the Workers, informed the state propaganda, admitting the economic hardships that the country suffers and giving all direct action to the United States in a moment in which the dialogue about disarming itself in point of death.

“The most secure and fast way to deal with the many challenges we face now is to do our utmost to promote our own power and our capacity for self-sufficiency”, dijo Kim in his allocation, pronounced the martes pero reproduced very integrated by the agency KCNA and the diary Rodong.

This was Kim’s proposal to admit that the results of the quinquenal plan approved in the previous congress of 2016 “quedaron en la Mayoría de las areas por debajo de lo esperado” and that it fits in with its “peores dias”.

A year of difficulties

Although negative terms are a habitual gesture for the regime, it is the second time that the North Korean leader admits the difficulties that are affecting the country, affected in 2020 by the pace of three typhoons and the effects of the pandemic of the COVID-19.

On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party, celebrating the 10th of October, Kim reconciles between the records that are being read by the citizens of a country affected by international sanctions and whoever closes a cal and sings his fronts at the onset of the pandemic.

It has reduced at least the external inversion and the commercial exchange (some reports mention the basic products in Piongyang supermarkets) and may have been trying the hermetic pais to the peor crisis of the terrible disaster of the final decades of the sailing pass.

The Supreme Leader took part in the inaugural session of the Octave Congress of the Workers’ Party, in which a new economic plan was presented five years ago, on the existence of external and internal obstacles in the economic development of the country. .

In the same way, we have proposed new strategies for logging “national reunification and promoting external relations”, without specifying anything more.

Silence in Biden in Biden

As far as we are concerned, Kim has no direct reference to the United States in his discourse, algae habitual in this political city, the most important of the countries around the country in designing internal policies and restructuring the regime of the regime.

In any case, the Gobierno Cambio in Washington is hoping that the event will close on the regime’s arms program and its plans in diplomatic territory, where it has been silent for the last few months. commemorate Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the presidency.

Due to the fact that Kim Jong-un and the president of Donald Trump are the interlocutors of the world of Hanoi of 2019, the president of Donald Trump must make a point of mr.

A city full of secrecy

For unknown reasons, the opaque regime has kept this secret secret from the beginning of the congress and indicated only that the series “Principles of Ener”.

According to the state media, 5,000 people, between delegates and the dome of the party, and 2,000 guests are invited to the council, beating the 2016 figures.

The photos posted will show Kim at the inauguration of the congress at the House of Culture on April 25 in Pionyang ahead of an auditorium held by the very mascara.

The country has told the World Health Organization (WHO) that it has tested 12,500 people and has not detected a single case of COVID-19.

Aun asi, its prevention protocols follow a mystery, since the North Korean media have their habitual habit of using tapas in exteriors or disinfection teams dressed in protective gear.

An ascent for Kim Yo-Jong?

More about the speculations about whether the regime will return the proofs of arms a time Biden tome position to try to force a renegotiation of the negotiations and opt for another life distinct, this congress also plants the possibility of the herm of the warm go to the party’s escalator.

Kim Yo-jong, a member of the Political Bureau, who this year has been the most protagonist in many cases on behalf of the regime, has been appointed as part of the presidency for this congress.

Images by Indian satellite that the regime prepares to have a parade to give the final score to the event, which will be closed down.

In the case of four days, just as in 2016, the citation concluded the day of Kim Jong-un’s accomplices, in which a direct gesture was made to reform his figure and the party’s lead in times of deprivation.
