Kevin Durant tends to make quarantine of a week very exposing in case of COVID-19

NUEVA YORK – Despuas de estar expuesto a alguien que dio positiv door COVID-19, la estrella de los Brooklyn Nets, Kevin Durant, enfrenta una quarentena de una seman como parte de la protocol et saluridad de la league, dijeron fuentes a ESPN .

During his tenure COVID-19 in Mayo, he has been registering anticonvulsants against coronavirus. Hasta el lunes por la tarde, Durant había dado negato por coronavirus tres veces, añadieron las fuentes.

According to the Center for the Control of Inferiority, the antiseptics are “proteins that help fight infections and can burn protection against newborns”. Scientists do not know for sure what degree of immunity the antiseptic measures against the new infection. The COVID-19 protocols of the NBA do not distinguish between the players who have antiquities and those who do not.

During the week that was lost, Brooklyn played against Utah, Philadelphia, Memphis and Oklahoma City.

During which time the total of the period 2019-20 rehabilitating a lesion in the tendons of Aquiles, has been titled in the six games of the Nets this year.

It was 28.2 points, 7 rebounds and 4.8 assists in 34 minutes on the field.
