Kevin Álvarez confirms his convocation to the friends of March ante Bielorrusia y Grecia – Diez

The amusing parties of the FIFA March march will be surprised at their convocatoria and one of them will be Kevin Álvarez, who is a militia in the Norrkoping of Sweden’s first division.

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Diez contacted the player and confirmed that his club had notified the technical team of the National Selection, Fabián Coito, for the duels between Belarus and Greece on March 24 and 28 respectively.

The coach of Uruguay has expressed that the venue following Kevin Álvarez and now is official that will be observed in these two matches that will be disputed in Europe.

A group of militants fighting in Swedish football, Álvarez signed his mayor’s participation this year with the Norrkoping, where he won the title in four games with which he won the Copa’s final quarter.

The lateral right is not part of a mayoral summons, from 2015, in this opportunity for a friend before the Cuban Selection and dispute for 90 minutes.

Álvarez has been involved in selection processes for the United Arab Emirates’ Sub-17 World Cups, New Zealand Sub-20s, Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games and will now be able to win a match against the eliminators of Catar 2022.
