Ken Jennings from “Jeopardy!” apologize for insensitive tweets

The previous tweets resurfaced after it was announced that Jennings was the first host of ‘Jeopardy!’ after the death of longtime host Alex Trebek in November after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Jennings tweeted Wednesday, “Hey, I just wanted the fact that I definitely tweeted a few unartial and insensitive things over the years over Twitter.”

“Sometimes they worked as jokes in my head and I was shocked to see them reading on screen,” he wrote. “In the past, I would let bad tweets stand, just so that there could be thought. That way, it could lead to clever responses and even advocacy. If it is removed, it feels like it was a mistake.”

He added that he, by resolving the tweets, believed that he “could have given the impression that I was standing by every failed joke I have ever posted here.” He said that is not the case.

“Sometimes I say stupid things in a dumb way and I want to apologize to people who are (rightly!) Offended,” reads another tweet. “It was not my intention to hurt anyone, but it does not matter: I noticed myself, and I’m really sorry.”

Some Twitter users responded by sharing some of the tweets that have now been removed, including one from 2014 in which Jennings wrote ‘Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair’. He apologized for the tweet in 2018 to write “it was a joke that was so inappropriate that it meant something completely different in my head and I regret the able reading of it!”

Jennings ended his tweets Wednesday by looking ahead.

“If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that we need to be kinder to each other,” he wrote. “I look forward to moving to 2021 with that in mind.”
