Keke Palmer joins Jordan Peele’s next movie

Keke Palmer

Keke Palmer
Photo: Monica Schipper / Getty Images for 29 rooms of Refinery29

Say what you like We‘turn on fully Twilight Zone at the end, but Jordan Peele still maintains an undeniably good batting average for his directorial roles. We do not yet know what she’s going to be about, but we seem to know at least one person who will be in it: According to Collidersee sources, Keke Palmer will play “the female lead of the film” and may even be the villain.

Collider says Palmer has officially joined the cast, but other cast rumors are circulating – specifically about Daniel Kaluuya (star of Peele’s) Go out) and Jesse Plemons (star of all the others) – are less certain. As for Palmer, she appeared relatively recently in Hustlers and cast votes in Disney +’s Proud family revival and Netflix’s Big mouth spin-off Human resources. Also, Collider points out that she made an appearance on Key & Peele in 2013 and tweeted back in September that she got the chance to talk to Peele and declare that he was ‘so cool’. Specific information will be nice, whether it’s about how cool he is or what the movie is about, but whatever. It is good. (Although, for the record, never telling anyone what his films were about ahead of time, Christopher Nolan had a decline in returns. Peele must keep that in mind.)
