Keep your COVID-19 vaccine card safe, but do not laminate it

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Medical experts say that it is a good idea to keep your COVID-19 card in a safe place for several possible future uses. Marco Bello / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
  • When you receive your COVID-19 vaccination, you will receive a vaccination card.
  • It is important to keep this card in mind as it will serve several important purposes in the future.
  • It is recommended to take a photo or scan the card and keep the original in a safe place.
  • If you lose your card, it is possible to get a replacement card.

If you receive your COVID-19 vaccination, you will receive a vaccination card as documentation.

The card contains your name and date of birth, manufacturer of vaccine and lot number, as well as where the vaccine was administered and the date on which the vaccine was given.

The map will also state if and when you need to return for a boost shot.

Besides serving as a reminder for the return for your next shot, there are a few more important reasons to keep your vaccination card.

Sarah E. Lynch, PharmD, a pharmacist and pharmacist at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York, said that one important reason to keep your vaccine card is the possibility that you may experience an adverse event.

If the event is linked to a specific number of the vaccine, the connection between those you are experiencing and the vaccine lot you received may have this information.

With the card you will also know when you received your last dose if it appears that future booster doses are needed.

S. Wesley Long, PhD, a researcher at the Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas, added that knowing what vaccine you are receiving can affect the composition of any future booster that may affect you.

Long also noted that evidence of vaccination may be needed for travel, work, school, volunteering, or activities as we move forward.

Nicole J. Hassoun, MA, PhD, a philosophy professor at Binghamton University, said that in addition to the short-term proof of vaccination, vaccination cards can also form the basis for immunity passports, documents needed to gain access to public spaces, and travel .

There may also be additional benefits to having a copy of your card on hand.

“Some businesses offer discounts to people who have been vaccinated,” Long said, “so you may need a copy or a photo of your card to use it.”

“Since you are unlikely to need the card in day-to-day life,” Long said, “I would first take a photo and / or scan the card and then place it safely and securely somewhere.

“Some people have suggested that the cards be laminated, but then it cannot be updated with information in the future, such as receiving a booster shot,” he added.

Lynch suggested that taking a photo of the card front and back and having it on your mobile device is a great way to keep the card with you at all times.

She also noted that some countries are implementing digital passport applications for vaccination.

“This allows the map information to be recorded in a digital app that is easily accessible on a mobile device and can be shared on occasions where documentation is needed, which the physical card no longer needs,” Lynch explained.

Do not worry if you lose your card. The information is not gone forever.

Generally, you should be able to contact the clinic or agency where your vaccination was administered to obtain a duplicate record, Long said.

In addition, this information had to be shared with your state’s immunization registry, so it may be possible to obtain proof of vaccination from your state.

If you keep your vaccination card in a safe place, it is easily available if and when you need it.
