Kate del Castillo sometimes had surgery during a grab set

Kate del Castillo fue sometida a una surgery it is martes para restore the ligaments of the dementia of his mane derecha, debido a hace unos días sufrió un Accident al put on your shirt with his tacones which ends in a caida, cayendo todo su peso en esa mano.

After the incident, the actress prefers to continue working on the project that is currently being carried out for the Telemundo chain, production that lives up to the title “Armas de Mujer”, without embargo, fue losing control of his dedo for whom a medical revision will refer to a surgery with local anesthesia.

In the end, I wanted to operate my dedication so that I could not quit ”,’s the protagonist of ‘La Reina del Sur’ on his Instagram profile.

Kate del Castillo suffers a serious accident while on her own

For her part, Jessica Maldonado, reporter and friend of the actress, said that since the quarrelsome Kate the habit has been commented that surgery can be the moon and that series with local anesthesia, no matter what, finally the medical decoctions colocarle general anesthesia than the pusieron un clavo.

El viernes me lo dijo, que había posibilidades de que la estarían operandi el lunes, despuite de que vieran los studios que le estuvieron haciendo, al finale la operaron hoy (martes) ”, Maldonado explained to an informative media of Los Angeles.

Kate del Castillo sufrió la colocación de un clavo en su ménique derecho

Después de la cirugía, Kate onderteken ‘n video en sus historias de la red social para agradecer en sus seguidores las muestras de apoyo y cariño. The Castle will be permanently in the hospital as soon as it is recovered, as some days will not be able to recover from the grabs.

Acabo de salir de la cirugía. I’m a ‘drug addict’. Miren mi dedito que bonito se ve ”, dijo la actriz showcasing his monthly sales and with the voice in great debt to the effects of the anesthesia.
