Kanye West asks for 800 people who are 25 million euros | People

In addition to his tone salutes, his company, his intentions to be President of the United States or his matrimony, now roto, with Kim Kardashian, Kanye West has been very famous these years for his religious fervor renaissance. The music and its family play each at home to an impressive service that West organizes, with decades of songs and a great performance on stage. Without embarrassment, at a time when all facets of their life are affected by the derivation, this is also what makes them disgusting to the rapper. As many as 800 employees have been able to meet collective bargaining demands by those who can afford to pay 30 million dollars, 25 million euros to change.

During 2019, the artist will have 43 years of his masterpieces throughout the United States, with spectacular performances featuring music and oration. Supo will make water deal and his conversion to Christianism be translated into discos and lines of ropa. It is now clear that the workers of the same months have not been charged because they have paid their work in full, they have not been charged for the extra hours, they have informed the diary The sun, which has access to the requests.

The question is whether California employees are very strictly respected, and consider that both the technical staff as well as the employees of this show, and no Independent Workers who are involved on a regular basis in the matter. For this question, West is obliged to make cargo of the pagans, the descansos, the comedas … algo that has never respected.

The West Brands Company, a limited company based in Delaware and dependent on music, has received demand for 29 years, the first for 500 artists and the second for 300 technical staff. Sondeverbod, fuentes relacionadas con las causas han insururado a The sun that it is only “the tip of the iceberg” and that it is more gentile and more causal; of hecho, the lawyers calculate that in total there are 1,000 people united in the queue. A legal firm claims that it has “hundreds of people in it, but there are many, many more. The child is very vulnerable because he treats them, saying that he is behind his peor Experiencecia ”. In the first page of one of the documents – also filtered by the British diary – the distinct motives of the request can be learned: failure of current pages and extra hours, of proportional breaks for the committees, of the appropriate descents, of pay or carry out illegal business practices.

It’s a legal source that cites The sun affirma that hay mucha gente implicada en el asunto que est deseando hablar sober esos “horos moments” que vivieron en la empresa de West. What happened to demonstrate now is that West is the employer of all of them. “Nadie knows how to get involved with Kanye, if she knows what she’s doing or if she’s gone at the last minute, with bad luck. It’s so accidental as if it were a bad management or proposal, it’s a very powerful case ”. If you agree to an agreement, West will pay around one million dollars (830,000 euros), but if it is not possible to read it, it will decommission 25 million euros.

The direct implication of West is that it is not clear, because what he wants to do is choose the artistic format that he wants to share in his project to delegate to his teams. In its insistent legal assertions: “Kanye West has certainly not paid an invoice since 20 years ago, hoping that his people will buy it. But you can not allow yourself to be judged, because you can have a jury that is not a sea fan and only has a rich rapper who is a normal person ”.
