Kanker Claudia Blum explains the relationship between Colombia and the EE. UU. tras la victoria de Biden

Claudia Blum / (Colprensa - Camila Díaz)
Claudia Blum / (Colprensa – Camila Díaz)

Wednesday, March 26, 2021, Joe Biden’s environment and President number 46 of the United States. On the front of the end of the Republican administration’s controversy with Donald Trump, as well as a change in the North American country’s sociopolitical environment, there are expectations of what will be Biden’s new relationship with the United States, and Colombia. is not the exception. For a dialogue with the periodical El Tiempo, Claudia Blum, Colombian chancellor in the United States, presented a general panorama of what will be the Duque-Biden bilateral relationship.

President of EE.UU, Joe Biden.  EFE / EPA / Ken Cedeno
President of EE.UU, Joe Biden. EFE / EPA / Ken Cedeno

In agreement with the diocese of Blum in his interview with this periodical, “it is most likely” he will plant and execute an agenda for the “relationship” of both presidents and that, in no way, there will be demonstrations at the meeting of both mandates and a political separation between both countries.

“We have a historic alliance between the two countries, with a strategic agenda that has bipartisan and bicameral support in EE. UU. Values ​​and visions share political, economic and social themes of high interest for mutual benefit. The joint work and the cooperation are the rectors of our solid relationship “, explained the official lieu of recording the controversial episode while informing that Colombian politicians, from the party to which the President Duque, Center Democratic, estarían intention, more late, dejarían to Donald Trump fuera de la Casa Blanca.

For Blum, the supreme distance between both landscapes is taken from a church, a perception without foundations that, of course, Blum records, to follow the statements of the United States Embassy in Colombia, Philip Goldberg, who, through the Twitter account of this entity, made sure that there is a relationship of love between both countries y, además, tenían objetivos en los que work juntos como la antinarcóticos cooperation, ”las relations between los paises son muy buenas y van a seguir siendo buenas bajo el Presidente Biden”, writes the official.

Iván Duque, President of Colombia, including Joe Biden, President of EE.UU.  Photo: especially archive.
Iván Duque, President of Colombia, including Joe Biden, President of EE.UU. Photo: especially archive.

Agreed with the dialogue between Claudia Blum and Yamid Amat, for the period El tiempo, lo that the hope in Colombia and the United States is a working work on respective themes inthe crisis of migration of Venezuelan citizens to Colombia, and study the post-pandemic panorama of the country in response to the reactivity of the economy, specifically on topics of “trade, inversion and integral development”. There are different themes that are on the agenda of both countries as the narcotics y, a more youthful project as the medium of the environment.

‘President Biden is the friend and confidant of Colombia. In the past, we have supported initiatives he has neglected in our institutions and in our development. For example, in the approval of the Colombian Plan, in the Arancelarias Preferred Agreements, the TLC and its interests in Colombia ”. recalcó la functionia.

No por mado madrugar se llega más temprano ”, The Canceller replied that the interviewer had complied with the proceedings in connection with the relationship with Ivan Duque, the periodical, Amat, and recorded that Biden had been involved in all the cases in South America.

“By supuesto, within our new agenda of relations with the new administration, there will be a meeting between President Duke and President Biden as soon as the actual situation derives from the pandemic and the agendas of both presidents and permits Blum recalls that, in addition to this, the lie of his desperate first meeting between the presidents, repeats the meeting between Duke and Biden more adelante, “The Cumberre of the Americas in 2021 will have another additional scenario for the State of the Lords to make new agreements on economic reactivation and regional cooperation.”.
