Kane County Health Department Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Plan – Kane County Connects


This morning (Wednesday, January 20, 2021) in a submission to the Kane County Board Health Committee. Michael Isaacson, assistant director of health in Kane County, said residents will be able to register online for the COVID-19 vaccine within the next week or two.

Isaacson’s full submission to the Health Committee will soon be available to view on the Kane County YouTube Channel.

Isaacson said 17,045 doses of vaccine have been administered in Kane County so far, and about 2,000 more are expected to be done this week as part of Phase 1A, during which the vaccine will be administered to health workers and nursing homes.

Isaacson said health workers who have not been contacted and are seeking more information about Phase 1A should contact him directly at [email protected].

As state and local health officials begin the transition to Phase 1B – frontline workers and people aged 65 and over – Isaacson said the country will create a registration system that allows each resident to choose a time slot and a place to receive the vaccine.

Some examples of frontline vaccine recipients are:

  • First Responders
  • Educators
  • Food and agricultural workers
  • Manufacturing workers
  • Corrections Workers and prisoners
  • United States Postal Service Workers
  • Grocery Store Workers
  • Shelter and day care workers

Visit the Kane County Vaccine Availability Information website Website of the Department of Health or click on this link.

Isaacson emphasizes that the “when and where (from the distribution of vaccines) depends on external forces.”

Vaccine doses are distributed from the federal government to the state government. The Illinois Department of Public Health then distributes doses of vaccines among provincial health departments or other local health providers.

As soon as the country hears more from state health officials, Isaacson said arrangements are being made for the distribution of vaccine to more than 40 supplier sites in Kane County.

Jarret Sanchez, chair of the health committee, said additional information would come soon, but residents need to understand that the process of providing the vaccine to all residents will take time, and he encourages patience.

“I think what people need to hear is that we are ready to go,” Sanchez said. ‘It’s a matter of how much vaccine we’ll get and when we’ll get it. The reality is that we are only at the beginning. ”

This article will be updated several times during the day to provide more information about the meeting and the presentation.

Screenshots of the presentation of the health committee on Wednesday
