Kamala Harris, Vice President of EE. UU., En Vortada de Vogue

News items from People

“Always say that you can do the first thing to do a lot of things, but make sure you do not become the ultimate”, says the politician who has a black thread designed by Donald Deal and tennis Converse.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, protagonize the portada of the February edition of the revista estadounidense Vogue. (We recommend: Kamala Harris: 30 dates of the first Vice President in the history of EE. UU.).

Harris, who will be the first woman to occupy this cargo in the United States, will be Joe Biden, will also be the first woman in this car to appear in the Vogue gate, in which he placed important female figures in politics, as Hillary Clinton in 2016 o Michelle Obama.

For the people and for the people: the United States of Fashion“, Is the headline of the report produced by Alexis Okeowo, in which Kamala Harris adheres to the political plans that will run alongside President Joe Biden.

Always say that you can do the first thing to do many things, but make sure you do not become the ultimate. I think in my sovereign thoughts, that only a world can be known where a woman is vice president of the United States, a woman of color, a woman black, a woman with fathers who will make the United States”, Dice.

In the portrait photo, taken by Tyler Mitchell with the stylism of Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and a screenplay designed by Julia Wagner, Kamala Harris light a black strip designed by Donald Deal and tennis Chat, zapatos que, segun la publication, son seña de su stylo, así com el collar que luce en la portada. In another image, the Vice President elected with a celestial third celestial by Michael Kors.

Kamala Harris will be transformed into the first black and Indo-United States Vice President of history to take over the cargo January 20 next. También will be the first woman to occupy this executive branch.
