Kamala Harris marido reivindica su plano plano en la Casa Blanca

Although Donald and Melania Trump did not receive the Biden in the White House, Mike and Karen Pence will be with the new Vice President and his wife, Douglas Emhoff, in the Capitol’s escalators on the podium. The four will be grabbed by Charles and included with an intention to transmit normalcy to a normal day. Las pararejas no podrían ser má distintas. The comedians on stage did not know how to make jokes about the heck of what Mike Pence called her ‘Mother’, madre. The Evangelical Christian Pentecostals, known as the Modest Manifesto, because he could not come to soles with another woman, even if she had work motives, and she said Washington Post which has been a key political influence in the most controversial moments it has protagonized in the world, as when deciding to take part in an American football game as a signal of protest because some players are not willing to listen to the anthem when it comes to visiting in full pandemic without using mascarilla.

If the Pence, with races in the Midwest, represent the matrimony agreed upon in antiquity as it is possible to enter in the second decade of sail XXI, the Californians Harris-Emhoff came from another universe. The Vice-President and his wife are known as the tenants and the current mayor. She is divorced from her first wife, audiovisual producer Kerstin Emhoff, and mother of two, Cole and Ella. For his part, Harris also has ten different pairs, the most notorious and controversial with the San Francisco ex – Willie Brown, the mediators of the newcomers, when he was born and held more than 60 years and she did not read the 30. Harris and Emhoff counted various times, and also in this interview televised earlier in the day of the job, as her best friend, public relations consultant Chrisette Hudlin, said the alert: simply, trust me, not the googlees. For supuesto, she googled and discovered that she has ten and that she is a centered advocate in the entertainment sector. In its most famous case, the defense of the TBWA advertising agency for the intellectual property of the so-called “psychopathic chihuahua”, the protagonist of the ads of Taco Bell.

Kamala Harris and his wife at a Democratic event in San Francisco two years ago.

Kamala Harris likes to say that form is on its side and the exemption from a reconstituted family “hasta demasiado functional” and of the veces that she and the first esposa of her marido iban to the natación competitions of Ella and the animan of the grade. Kerstin Emhoff was invited to the photo booth and posted a photo in his speeches about which he was very emotional.

Douglas Emhoff suele decides that nation in Brooklyn “antes de que fuera cool”. Created in a Jewish family of media class – his father, Mike Emhoff, designed the zapatos and his mother occupied the house. Una photo of both including his book at Costco, the low cost supermarket, already launched a virality, as well as a video on the Harris imitates Brooklyn’s accent of his sister– in a suburb of New Jersey, with a man and a man, and studied in California, where he dropped out of his career. In the last few years, since Harris became a senator, he has been living at great expense, alternating days in Washington DC and working as a social worker in the DLA Piper department, which he abandoned. From now on dedicated to classes like invited professor in Georgetown of his specialty, the Derecho in the entertainment industry, he will appear as the first Second Cavalry –In castellano, the title suena aún más extraño–. It will be the first man and the first person to judge that this cargo is so diffuse as to be untouched by all the liturgy of the power of the state, that it is such a protagonist in the conjugation of the elect cargos. Emhoff held a training session as a “senator ‘”: in a CBS interview with Elizabeth Warren and Mary Klobuchar’s teammate, she shared the Senate’s prices and social acts. In the campaign, he also had good migas with Chasten Buttigieg, the daughter of Pete Buttigieg, presidential candidate and current Secretary of Transportation with Biden. Aun así, the media attention that will now be received by the whole family will be multiplied. Given that Biden is a mayor and he has a lot of visibility in North American politics, the media appear to be aware of the visions of the vice president’s family of the Vice President. In these days, the digital ones were launched with special greetings about Ella Emhoff, the little bitch of Segundo Caballero, fashion student in Parsons and titular of an Instagram in which she coats her jersey creations and selfies with cosmetic mascara.

The pair trades the act of investing in pastoral care.

As we hope Jill Biden will continue to pay attention to the military families and, above all, center on the promotion of education – it will be clear that the universities, publications and much more barred than the rest, are one of the Pocos social ascents that quedan to the working class and his marido the teacher-teacher-in-jefe– it is not very clear what rates will be reserved Emhoff in his new role. At the moment, he is running “haciendo los deberes”, as he said, visiting an exhibition at the Library of Congress, to inspire. In an article written in the edition edition of GQ recall that pretends to follow the steps of the women who precede it in the cargo. Use the same expression, “stand in the shoulder”, Levantarse sobre los hombros, que suele usar Harris parera referere a las mujeres que occuparon cargos de poder antes ella. ‘It is an honor to be the prime minister of a US President or Vice President. Pero esta es la verdad: generations of women antes that he has used this platform to promote causes in those that create and to generate trust in our institutions here and abroad, a menu without much applause or recognition ”.

In the same text, it refers to its hijos and says that it hopes to creep into a world “in which it does not notice that an amorous couple, of any gender, is supporting anyone who lives”. It is a reference to the much-maligned heirloom that he has armed himself to the heck out of which he has completely admired the logs of his wife and perfectly possesses a second plan. His Twitter biography is now as follows: “Second United States Cavalry. Dedicated father. Marido orgulloso de Kamala Harris ”. In the electoral campaign, which, despite the primaries, lasted for more than a year, Emhoff won his own fan club and protagonist articles in what he called “Zaddy” (Internet term for designing an attractive male) and “our crush en plan padre judío ”.

Many women, about everything, express themselves in speeches admired for their ability to give protagonism to their spouse. Well, it’s his wife who has been elected vice president, she could say. Pero the hecho of that is cause surprise dice stone of the role that todavia hopes that each member in the heterosexual couples. In this case, however, Bill Clinton’s proposal does not appear in absolute disposition to call for organizing the Pascua party of the White House two hundred years ago when he aspired to the presidency. Without hypothesis in the field of aliyahs – al fin and al cabo, some of our aspirations for the presidency will be – here are the depressive dates of the loss of females in the United States during the pandemic. Tan alone in the month of December, 140,000 jobs will be lost. 120% of them lose women. Sí, el 120. Porque las mujeres, sobre todo las latinas y afroamericanas, se quedaron sin 156.000 empleos y los hombres ganaron 16.000. The women are paying a disproportionate price, because they have to take care of families, they are the ones he gave his employees remunerated. Each time it produces its counterpart, it is announced, it is on the global agenda – the CEO of Zalando will be in December in order to prioritize the career of his spouse and no media that has not been reported – as domestically. With this panorama it is not so strange that llame the attention a thing so common as a man of 56 years supported in all in his space, the woman who can be more prominent in the history of the United States.
