Kamala Harris likes to be the first woman to read Casa Blanca | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

Vice President Kamala Harris formally reunited this Monday at his office as California senator, 48 hours before assuming his new cargo at Casa Blanca.

“Thank you California, it has an honor to serve as its senator during the last four years. Our country has faced many challenges, but it has the certainty that our best days will come. Promise to defend our shared Twitter values.”

Harris has a history as the first woman (the first of color and the first of Asian and Caribbean origins) to run for vice president.

Under his condition as President of the Senate, Harris guarantees the democratic majority in the Camera Alta because the decisive vote is currently being held by both parties with 50 senators.

Harris will be replaced by Alex Padilla, the current Secretary of State who will convert to the first Latin to represent California and the Senate.

The meeting of Kamala Harris in the Senate favors a cremation of the Spanish presence in the Congress

An untitled triumph

Various hits mark the Democratic victory in presidential elections in which Joe Biden is accused of Donald Trump: the mayoral candidacy of votes obtained by a candidate for the presidency in the history of the EU at the end of his first term and, more opmerklik, the first time he went to the Casa Blanca as a presidential formula company.

Since announcing his support for Biden as a Democratic presidential candidate in March 2020, the number of Harris has begun to sound like a possible aspirant to the vice presidency.

The presence of Harris in the Casa Blanca covers great importance. If Biden – currently 77 years – decides not to vote for the election in 2024, California will have 59 years and will run alone as the natural candidate for the presidency also with the leadership of the Democratic Party.

His immigrant races and his association with the Afroestadounidense community are the organ of attractive attractions to be found in the political class. His father Jamaic was a professor at Stanford University and his mother was a cancer investigator, he is an Indian diplomat.

Rais de la muerte del afroestadounidense George Floyd in pursuit of a white-collar policy in Minneapolis, Harris was converted into one of the principal promoters of a police reform that favors institutional abuse against blacks and other minorities.

President Donald Trump criticizes dureza, accusing it of “radical extremism”.

Harris is a moderate Democrat who, in his failed campaign for the Democratic nomination, intends to challenge the party’s progression.

During the Democratic primary, Trump called it “very disrespectful” and the “monster” rating on the day of his debate with Vice President Mike Pence.

California Senadora

Harris nation in Oakland, California, Political and Economic Studies in the Howard University y luego Derecho en Hastings College.

The 55-year-old senator has resigned from his immigrant background and his black song since he was released from the district tax office. San Francisco between 2004 and 2010. This year will be followed by the first afroestadounidense to own as California Attorney General.

Tras ser alentada por la entonces senadora Portable Boxer to postulate by the time he starts vacating to retire, Harris easily won that contingent and completed the 2017 California screening.

Next year, Harris responded by asking questions raised by Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing before the magistrate’s court in the Supreme Court, which Trump announced.

“I was involved in these cases and also had more quizzes with this committee. How did you agree if there was a conversation about Robert Mueller or his investigation with someone in his legal firm? ”, Harris asked Kavanaugh during the hearing about the possible communications from the White House with Kavanaugh about an investigation into the 2016 Republican campaign’s superstitions with Russian intelligence operators.

Kavanaugh will hold the second of the three conservatives that Trump has convened in the Supreme Court, elevating the Conservatives to 6-3.

DM’s met Kamala Harris: the Democratic candidate for the vice presidency ours who knows how to speak in Spanish, who inspires and much more

Candidate for the presidency

Harris launched his candidacy for the presidency in early 2019 and left in December of this year to raise enough funds. Appearance more than ever to compete with the heroes of the progressive like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. To return to more center positions, divide his political profile and lose the momentum to maintain in the career.

“I do not believe that you are a racist and you agree with a court that compromises with the importance of halling a common ground, but also creo, and it is personal, that it is in a dangerous state of dismay that the reputation of the United States senators that build their reputations and careers about the segregation of races in this country ”said Harris to Biden in the care in July 2019.

This is a presentation in the first debate between the Democratic candidates catapulted to Harris among minority voters, to the point where they are converted into the favorites of Hispanics, in agreement with a Univision Notices poll.

Biden says that the guard does not mention Harris for these criticisms, and quizzes the best demonstration is that he was elected as his Democratic presidential formula partner.

