Juventus. Cristiano Ronaldo en su berrinche por ser suplente teen Lazio

Mexico City /

The level of competitiveness it has Cristiano Ronaldo is more impressive. And is what the Portuguese delantero dejó ver on the discount to be supreme in the duel of this Sabbath between Juventus and Lazio, corresponding to the date 26 of the Serie A.

Poco le importo a Cristiano Ronaldo be captured by the cameras, there is a time that salaries of the vestibules to direct to the stands, shows most different types que dejaban en claro que no staba nada content de estar con los suplentes.

Dicho hecho fue authentic regiojio by the photographers and cameramen who certify the moment, then captaron todo el recorrido del astro portugués.

Why did Pirlo commit to Cristiano Ronaldo?

Andre Pirlo opt to mandate the bank of suppliers to Cristiano Ronaldo ante la Lazio, with the end of darle descanso en vísperas del partido de Vuelta de Octavos de Final ante el Porto in the league champion, series that the Italians van perdiendo por marcador de 2-1 and what defines the next March.
