Justin Turner renews his contract with Los Angeles Dodgers

The third base Justin Turner renewed his contract with the Angeles Dodgers for the MLB 2021
Justin Turner Use your Twitter account to make public the news that you became involved in the organization that launched its first campaign in the MLB.

The contract was made for both 34 million dollars and Jeff Passan.

This is the image that Justin Turner published, diciendo “Angeles Dodgers yo me quedo aquí ”

It was the piece that needed to be Angeles Dodgers to frenar with the preoccupation of who will be the third base for the nearest temproada of the MLB.

In the past, Turner bateo for 307 with 4 ironons, 26 annotated squares, 23 squared squares and a robad base. Mientras que en la Serie Mundial bateo para 320. con 2 jonrones y 2 carreras remolcadas.

Dave Roberts has announced that he would like his third base to be expanded by the time of 2021, the Angeles Dodgers will be as excited as he is for fans.

Cabe destacar que Justin Turner nació y creció en lso Angeles, jugar en esa misma cuidad debe ser todo un sueño para él y su familia.
