Justin Timberlake announced that together with Jessica Biel he had another hat during the quarantine

Justin Timberlake finally confirms that he and his wife Jessica Biel will be welcome to his second birthday
Justin Timberlake finally confirms that he and his wife Jessica Biel will be welcome to his second birthday

Justin Timberlake, 39 years old, confirmed that together with his husband Jessica Biel converts in fathers of his second hijo, Phineas. During a virtual appearance on Ellen DeGeneres’ show, the singer and actor shared the news with his fans. ‘It’s incredible and beautiful. Nadie duerme ”, bromeó Timberlake. We are emotional and we must be more happy. Very happy ”, aggregate.

The couple, who married in 2012, gave birth to their first child, Silas, in April 2015.

Ellen DeGeneres was one of the few people “in the middle of the family” of the Hollywood Matrimony to know about Biel’s embarrassment. “Creo que estabamos en FaceTime y dijiste: ‘Oye, ¿quieres saber un secreto?’ and read Jessica entered and kissed his hand on his stomach ”, account the presenter present in front of the rooms.

Biel, 38 years old, and his wife converts to Phineas’ fathers in Mayo. The couple loggeriously maintain the embarrassment in a total secret while refuging in their Montana home in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Timberlake, who acted during the televised special of President Joe Biden’s position as chairman, said Silas was “super emotional” about being a German mayor. “Phin aún no puede caminar ni perseguirlo, asi que veremos qué pasa”.

Justin Timberlake en Jessica Biel su su hijo Silas (The Grosby Group)
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel with their son Silas (The Grosby Group)

Timberlake is in full promotion of its new movie, “Palmer”, which will be trained on Apple TV + the 29th of January.

The birth of his new heifer produces only even more so than the song was sung by his co-protagonist Alisha Wainwright, 31 years old, during a party night in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The song “Cry Me A River”, which was not sung by a body of men, was photographed on Monday by the man to his partner.

Justin Timberlake with Alisha Wainwright (The Grosby Group)
Justin Timberlake with Alisha Wainwright (The Grosby Group)

Two weeks ago, Timberlaje was charged with Biel with a message posted on Instagram in which he admitted that his excessive alcohol consumption led him to behave in an inadequate manner with his colleague. ‘I have a lot of allegiance to the chismes as much as I can (…) Have a week, show a strong error of juice, but I want to be clear: nothing happened between my co-protagonist and you ”, expresses the music.

“Baby got tired of this night and left me feeling better. This is not the example that I want to give to him. I would like to discuss with my unbelievable spouse and my family what will happen in a situation where I forget, and I was focused on being the best I could and could be, ”he continued in his descent.

Justin Timberlake's Message
Justin Timberlake’s Message

“I’m incredibly tired of working in Palmer ‘. I am anxious to follow the film and get excited that the people are alive ”, he concluded.

Neither Jessica nor Alisha referred publicly to the incident.


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