Justin Thomas dropped by Ralph Lauren after mumbling homophobic failure during the tournament

Justin Thomas’ hot microphone moment hit him in the wallet.

Ralph Lauren Corp. said on Friday it was dropping one of the best golfers after hearing a homophobic failure during a tournament in Hawaii last weekend. Ralph Lauren has been a sponsor of Thomas since becoming a pro. He was the no. 1 golfer in the world and won a major at 24.

“We believe in the dignity of all people, regardless of age, race, gender identity, ethnicity, political affiliation or sexual orientation,” the company said in a statement. ‘As we reflect on the responsibility we have towards all our stakeholders, we have decided to extend our sponsorship of mr. Thomas to strike.


“While we acknowledge that he has apologized and acknowledged the seriousness of his words, he is a paid ambassador of our brand, and his actions are contrary to the inclusive culture we want to maintain.”

Thomas is heard mumbling the f-word slurps on the fourth hole after missing a chance on equal points and settling for a thug during the third round of the Sentry Open.

“It’s inexcusable. I apologize first, ” he told reporters after the round. “I mean, there’s no excuse. I’m an adult. I’m a grown man, there’s absolutely no reason for me to say such a thing. ‘


Thomas added: “It’s awful. I mean, I’m very shy, it’s not who I am, it’s not the kind of person I am or something I do, but I did it unfortunately and I have to own it and I am very apologetic. ‘

Thomas, one of the world’s leading golfers on the PGA Tour, said he only realized it after the round.

“I’m speechless … I found out when I finished on the golf course or when I finished my round. I mean, it’s bad. There’s no other way to put it,” he said.

“I have to do better, I have to be better, it’s definitely a learning experience, but yes, I just want to apologize to everyone and everyone I offended, and I’ll be better therefore.”

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Ralph Lauren said he hopes Thomas “will do the hard and necessary work to work with us again – to truly investigate, learn, grow and ultimately use this platform to promote inclusion.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
