Justicia archives 16 cases of fraud at the PUA that involve students of colleges and schools

The Secretary of Justice for Justice, Domingo Emanuelli, accepts the recommendation to close a total of 16 cases of fraud in the Assistance Program of the Pandemic Example (PUA, by its seal in English) that vinculaban to high school students.

Here is the revelation the official made during the public visit to evaluate his number in the Senate.

Senator Gretchen Hau asks the question to Emanuelli, specifically, the case of the students investigated by the Collegio San Ignacio and the nominee indicated that he was treated by a single student of dicha school.

“In this case it was specifically reinvested with other taxes. The days when I was not alone in this case (of San Ignacio), I saw others and I was in 16 cases. Also of public schools and also of private colleges. We recommend and evaluate and first of all the public opinion that my determination will be archived with the same product … not in this case. Es cerrarlos ”, expressed Emanuelli.

During the public visit, Emanuelli indicated that Justice has filed a lawsuit over 400 cases of this type, referring to the Police, debating what tenants are trying to do.

Previously, the Director of the Banking and Bankruptcy Division for Banking Institutions of the Police, the servant José Ayala, said that the preliminary investigation was carried out by students of the San Ignacio de Loyola College, in San Juan, who had been fined $ 12,000 illegally.

Hecho, the ten dijo, at that moment, that the mothers of the minors are entering checks at the Department of Labor for the amounts of $ 7,458 and $ 6,126, respectively.

In addition, details that the allegations of one of the minorities and his mother-in-law that about 30 students of the College of San Ignacio, presumably, solicit the federal assistance collocating false information on the PUA web page.
