Julio César Chávez reveals 1st time that drug test and amount money won

Mexico City /

Julio César Chávez volvió to open his records, but not exactly to record one of his epic battles arriba del ring, sino todo lo contrario, para rememorant episodio que desencadenaría una lulvia de tragedias en su vida: the first time I tried the drugs.

El Grand Champion no olvida que la primera vez que try the cocaine was able to turn to Hector “Macho” Camacho in September 1992, considering that after that the end had been announced.

“Always be the champion of the world, with ten houses, lands and yates, and everywhere you go. Won a lot of money, millions and millions of dollars, more than 100 million dollars.

“My feeling alone, vacío, and what fue what busque, the most tonto and stupid that fue the drug, eso fue after Macho Camacho’s peli ahí cometí la stupidez de try the cocaine for the first time, but when you have tried a time, you should try another time and another time. For this reason it is a suicide, because it arrests hospitals, imprisonment and death “, relates the César del Boxeo have a month interview with Telemundo.

Lejos de las addictions

Tras a long battle with the drugs, Julio César Chávez logaro superar the addictions, to the degree that open in Tijuana a rehabilitation center to help all those people who are overworked and become addicted to drugs.
