Jueza rechaza suspended Weinstein Co.’s bankruptcy plan

Los Angeles, EE.UU.

La jueza en Delaware, which holds the chairmanship of the caso de bancarrota de Weinstein Co. bied, is’ n solicitud de cuatro mujeres que accusaron de conducta sexup aapropiada al magnate cinematografico caído en desgracia, Harvey Weinstein, de que deje en suspenso su aprobacion al plan compía.

The juvenile emissaries are issuing an order of a page on which to file a petition for emergence while the women are impeaching the approval of a plan in a federal district court in Delaware.

The lawyers of the women’s court will answer the questions with a resolution to the district court that suspends the ratification while these tribunals consider the appeal of the aggravated.

In agreement with the bankruptcy solicitation presented before the court, the plan was “substantially consumed”, with entry into force from the players.

The plan was imposed by producer Alexandra Canosa and actresses Wedil David and Dominique Huett, who accused Weinstein of sexual offenses, and an example of Weinstein Co. which ensures a comfortable working hostile environment.

In agreement with the abogados of the inconsistencies, the plan includes excessive liability obligations in favor of third parties, such as insurance companies and directors and directors of Weinstein Co. Asimismo argues that the plan includes a commission that impedes the manner in which sexual intercourse does not occur.

The bankruptcy plan precedes the collection of 35 million dollars in creditors. The amount is 11.5 million dollars less than the previous plan, however, it was decided that a federal judge in New York would reject the proposal for a solution for 19 million dollars between Weinstein and some of its accusers. Zanjar watella demanda collectiv era era components crucial in the bankruptcy plan.

Approximately 17 million dollars are approved at the meeting of the proposed solution, a single fund is intended to provide sexual harassment complaints, a lower amount of 25.7 million allocated to three categories of malicious sexual harassment categories anterior plan.
