Judge Jeanine tears up Democrats’ proposal to expand the Supreme Court and tells Tucker ‘this is madness’

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro joined Tucker Carlson Tonight on Wednesday to discuss legislation proposed by House and Senate Democrats that would add four judges to the Supreme Court.

PIRRO: What that would mean is that we would have another legislative body in the United States. The Supreme Court has historically been filled with presidents who, if they are there, if there are vacancies, appoint someone in line with their thinking. Sometimes they are more liberal, sometimes more conservative. I think when President Trump had the ability to add three judges, the leftists went crazy. Biden would not answer [court-packing] question during the campaign, and Kamala Harris would not answer either. Now [Biden] only [formed] a committee that was supposed to look into it. All of a sudden, they have a bill with support in the House and in the Senate.

This will change the United States dramatically. Leftists will have the ability to have a court that is essentially nothing more than a legislative body that will approve all the cases they try to make in the United States. We will no longer have a high court based on the number of judges, depending on who the president is. It will all tend to the person who is in office and who has the power. This is madness. It’s madness. As if the country is not lost enough.

It will change what people feel about the court, but it will make no difference to the people in power who are determined to make sure their agenda is implemented, because you have the president and you have the Congress, and now you have the Supreme Court. You can look at amendments to the Constitution and decide there are issues that are really from that amendment. If you have activists in the Supreme Court, they can take matters that we never considered constitutional issues and make them national law. This is insanity. Whether it has to do with unions or criminal justice or whatever their agenda for the day is, there is no longer an objective body that can respect the United States, the Supreme Court of the country. We will lose all respect for that court if nothing more than a political legislature. An imprimatur for the Democrats.

