Juan Ribas, President of Securos Sucre, was sentenced to 51 months in prison in the United States | Politics | Notice

In September, Domenech declared himself guilty of making money from children.

The Department of Justice of the United States announced this March 23 that the Ecuadorian and Italian citizen Juan Ribas Domenech, of 52 years, was sentenced to 51 months in prison (4 years to 3 months) prior to his participation in a plan to wash money raised to help the three reinsurance companies of the United Kingdom to obtain and retain the reinsurance business of Seguros Sucre SA

In September, Ribas Domenech, who was also the chairman of former President Rafael Correa, declared himself guilty of making money from the insurances of two reinsurance companies for “more than two million dollars” between 2013 and 2017.

The investigation is being carried out by the IRS-CI and HSI officers in Washington, as well as the offices of the Global Finance Team Ilícitas and the FBI International Corruption Squadron of Miami.

Juan Ribas, president of Seguros Sucre, declares guilt of lava coimas in EE. UU.

The Department of Justice explained that as President of Securos Sucre tenien the authority to adjudicate the negotiation in the insurer, for which he received approximately $ 5’036,465 “in connection with his co-conspirators to try to correct them with seat in the United Kingdom obtuvieran and mantuvieran contracts with Seguros Sucre ”.

Case Isspol: Decevale search information in EE. UU. about Jorge Chérrez, his companies, Lafise and Citibank

The pages are hiccuped with intermediaries, including reinsurance company companies. In addition, it was explained that a part of the sobornos were doing the work of the United States. (I)
